彰化基督教醫院 Overseas Medical Mission Center

Overseas Medical Mission Center


編號  主題  發佈日期
 The Office of the Permanent Secretary of MOPH in T

On Dec. 28th, 2021, the Office of the Permanent Secretary of MOPH in Thailand hosted “The 1st National Health Promotion and Elderly Care Innovation Conference“ and Dr. Wang Wen-Fu, the Director of Long-term Care and Dementia Center, CCH was invited as a panelist to share the experience in “Creating New Lifestyle for Ageing Populations: Adapting, Learning, and Living with COVID-19.“



 彰化基督教醫院 版權所有 Changhua Christian Hospital - Overseas Medical Mission Center 135 Nan-Hsiao Street,Changhua 500-6, TAIWAN TEL:04-7238595 / 8475 瀏覽人次瀏覽人次 415        © 2010 Changhua Christian Hospital All Rights Reserved.