彰化基督教醫院 Overseas Medical Mission Center

Overseas Medical Mission Center

 Calendar events-2013

  • Overseas Medical Mission Center, Institutional Review Board and Medical Humanities and Health Sciences Academy were co-hosting the 2012 year-end dinner party on Jan. 31st evening. More than 80 staffs participated the party and the overseas medical mission achievement video were also presented during the party.
  • The Overseas Medical Mission Center CEO, Dr. Nina Kao Hsiao Ling went to Thailand to participate the international meeting of the First Meeting of Asia Development Alliance (ADA) from Jan. 31st to Feb. 2nd. The main issue was “Promoting Asian Solidarity for the World We Want—Asian CSO Responses to Global Development Challenges “. Dr. Kao shared the experiences about Achievement International cooperation of Changhua Christian Hospital and interacted with other Asian NGOs.
  • CCH cooperated with EDC(Educational and Development Center, USA) to conduct the Capacity Building for Taiwan NGOs project in Taiwan, and will arrange 3 workshops in northern Taiwan, central Taiwan and southern Taiwan from the end of April to mid-May.
  • A Thailand Medical Mission video was composed with the lyrics of  “The Prayer” for sharing our experiences about short-term medical mission services in rural areas of north Thailand.
  • Dr. Liu, the Vice-Superintendent and Dr. Nina Kao Hsiao Ling, the CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center are invited by MOFA to Burkina Faso for the mid-term evaluation of National Hospital of Blaise Compaore  from March 8th to 16th.
  • The website of Overseas Medical Mission Center QR code was created. Scan the QR code by smartphones, to update hot news immediately.
  • The China Steel Corporation Vice President of Corporate Planning Division,  Mr. Wang Mou-Pin, and General Manager of Corporate Strategy Dept. Mr. Liu Ke Chiang, called on CCH on March 7th 2013, to discuss the cooperative program in the future.  They are accompanied by Dr. Kuo, the superintendent of CCH, to visit Department of Medical Quality and Safety, Center for Health Management, Long-diatance Health Management Center and  Landsborugh’s Graft with Love Memorial Hall.
  • CCH cooperated with J.P. Morgan and EDC(Educational Development Center,USA) to conduct the Capacity Building for NGOs professionals in Taiwan. The first workshop was held on 27th, 28th April ,has been successfully finished. Through the open discussion and role play, the NGO professionals joined the comprehensive curses including project management, Performance Management, Fund Raising, Community Innovation and Social Enterprises…etc.
  • Leading by professor Bing-Long Wang, 23 graduate students(including foreign students) from Institute of Healthcare Administration, ASIA University , came to Changhua Christian Hospital as an outside campus visit on 29th April, 2013. Dr. Kao Hsiao Ling(CEO, Overseas Medical Mission Center) gave them a speech on overseas medical mission.
  • CCH cooperated with J.P. Morgan and EDC(Educational Development Center,USA) to conduct the Capacity Building for NGOs professionals in Taiwan. The second workshop held on 4th, 5th May( In An Ping Junior High School, Tainan City) has been successfully finished. Through the Chivalry-Tainan Corporation, we invited experienced trainer to share the successful stories such as volunteer management, resource mobilization, how community innovation rooted in the local culture and project management as well. The participants highly recognized the courses and actively brought the local issues into the open discussion.
  • CCH cooperated with J.P. Morgan and EDC(Educational Development Center,USA) to conduct the Capacity Building for NGOs professionals in Taiwan. The last workshop held on 10th, 11th May (Chunghua Road Campus, Changhua Christian Hospital , Changhua City) has been successfully finished.
    Consisting with the training goal in Taipei and Tainan session, we aim to connect both the practical and innovative style together into our daily NGO works. Through the open discussion and role play, the participants in Changhua session took several real NGO obstacles in Central Taiwan as examples, using the idea of “service design” to create different new projects, especially focus on the elder and young people. The vice superintendent Dr. Liu, Chin-San came to the session to express his greeting and the importance for Changhua Christian Hospital to support the civil society and social service.
  • A medical volunteer team led by Dr. Lin, Ming-Tai was dispatched to St. Lucia from May 25th to June 16th to conduct medical service.
  • Dr. Kuo, Shou-Jen , the Superintendent of CCH and Dr. Kao, Hsiao Ling, the CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center were invited to attend 2013 IHF World Health Congress held in Norway from 15th to 22nd June.
  • Dr. Liu, the Vice-Superintendent and CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center, Dr. Kao, Hsiao Ling were invited to attend 2013 African Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce held in Durban, South Africa for promoting health check-up business and discussing further cooperation with Mistry of Health of the government from 25th June to 2nd July.
  • Two paramedics (Ms. Davaadorj Ganganuur and Ms. Jigmed Selenge) and one doctor (Dr. Tsegmid Delgermaa) from Mongolia came to CCH for advanced training (June 30th-July 13th) in Division of Pediatric Pulmonology and Critical Care Medicine, Pastoral Care Department, Hospice Care and etc…
  • Three medical personnel (Dr. Steve Siwi Wawe, Dr. Lawrence Marikawa Sogoromo, and Mr. Joseph Hohick So-on) from Papua New Guinea came to CCH for advanced training (July 1st - Aug 31st) in Department of Pathology, Department of Anesthesiology, and Department of Orthopaedics.
  • A medical volunteer team led by Dr. Lin, Ming-Tai will be dispatched to St. Vincent and the Grenadines on July 20th to conduct medical service for three weeks.
  • A medical volunteer team will be dispatched to Darkhan City, Mongolia on August 10th for a eight-day services.
  • Staffs from Vietnam work station of Zhi-Shan Foundation called on CCH on 14th August 2013 to exchange the experience on project management and M&E with Dr. Kao, the CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center and also visit rehabilitation department.
  • The Minister of Health of Burkina Faso, Hon. Léné SEBGO, accompanied by Mr. Wang Tu-Jen, the section chief of MOFA and the Secretary of Burkina Faso Embassy in Taiwan called on CCH on 21st August 2013.
  • A medical volunteer team will be dispatched to St. Lucia from Aug. 24th to Sep. 15th to conduct medical service.
  • A medical volunteer team will be dispatched to Kyrgyzstan on August 31st for a eight-day services.
  • A medical volunteer team will be dispatched to Myanmar on September 7th for a eight-day services.
  • Mr. Tsai Chun-Wei from HES-SO La Source Nursing School of Swiss came to CCH for internship training (Sep. 16th ~Nov. 8th) in Nursing Department.
  • Dr. Kao was assigned on behalf of CCH to attend the founding assembly of Taiwan Alliance in International Development (TaiwanAID) on 23rd September. TaiwanAID is a platform to promote practical work ability for domestic NGOs engaging in humanitarian aid. They aim to enhance professional capabilities and service quality for international cooperation by building up a platform for experience and information sharing and cooperation. Dr. Kao, Hsiao Ling, elected as the member of Board of Director for the first term.
  • Dr. Ouedraogo Nabalma Solange (from Burkina Faso) came to CCH for short-term advanced training (Sep. 25th ~Oct. 18th) in Medical Imaging Department.
  • CEO of Cosmetic Surgery Travel, Ms. Julie Munro, and the Executive, Ms. Sandra Millar, accompanied by Ms. Lin Bin-Jie, Taiwan External Trade Development Council, to call on CCH on 2nd October 2013.
  • Dr. Liu, the Vice-Superintendent and Dr. Kao, Hsiao Ling, CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center, are invited to attend 2013 UHC (University HealthSystem Consortium) Annual Conference from 14th October to 20th October.
  • A medical volunteer team will be dispatched to Papua New Guinea on November 2nd for an eleven-day medical services.
  • A medical volunteer team will be dispatched to St. Lucia on November 16th for three weeks medical services.
  • A medical volunteer team will be dispatched to Thailand on December 15th for eight-day medical services.


 彰化基督教醫院 版權所有 Changhua Christian Hospital - Overseas Medical Mission Center 135 Nan-Hsiao Street,Changhua 500-6, TAIWAN TEL:04-7238595 / 8475 瀏覽人次瀏覽人次 415        © 2010 Changhua Christian Hospital All Rights Reserved.