彰化基督教醫院 Overseas Medical Mission Center

Overseas Medical Mission Center

 2018 Activity Video



2018 Thailand
-Taiwan-Thailand Smart Healthcare Conference(Highlight)

-Yushan Forum

    Changhua Christian Hospital held the 2018 Taiwan Thailand Smart Healthcare Conference in Thailand at Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit in Bangkok, focusing on the innovation and challenge of new era smart healthcare, and sharing the experience and challenges while facing smart healthcare in Taiwan and Thailand.(Click the Link)

   2018 Yushan Forum: Asian Dialogue for Innovation and Progress (Medical) (Click the Link)



 彰化基督教醫院 版權所有 Changhua Christian Hospital - Overseas Medical Mission Center 135 Nan-Hsiao Street,Changhua 500-6, TAIWAN TEL:04-7238595 / 8475 瀏覽人次瀏覽人次 415        © 2010 Changhua Christian Hospital All Rights Reserved.