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帶領中見證成長 - 一個短期見習生的學習之旅
卓約柏,一位優秀認真的年青人,雖然只有18歲,剛自美國高中畢業,已申請到美國大學(Rochester University)。當台灣的高中畢業生通過大學甄試,要好好利用暑假玩樂時,約柏帶著對海外醫療的憧憬,選擇回台灣,來到彰基海外醫療中心研習,協助海醫英文網站更新、擔任兒童英語營志工、參加緬甸醫療宣教事工及英文影片製作等。雖然在海醫研習時間只有一個多月,相信在他生命中已留下難忘的經驗與美好的回憶。結束研習前我請他寫下感想,他洋洋灑灑寫了七千多個字,限於篇幅我僅摘錄他的部份心得與大家分享。
Three days after the start of my internship, I was shipped off to Myanmar with a group of God-loving seminary students and ready-to-serve medical personnel. Even though I wasn’t really ready to face uncertainty of this grand scale, my “hit-me-with-all-you’ve -got” mentality worked perfectly during those 12 memorable days. I seemed to narrow my everyday life to three simple acts: survive, serve, and cooperate. (摘譯:到海外醫療中心的第三天,我與彰基醫護團隊及神學院學生一起帶著上帝的愛來到緬甸,在緬甸難忘的12天中,我學會以三種最簡單的思維方式生活,那就是『存活、服務、合作』。)
In many Third World Southeast Asian countries, life is much more different than the one in advanced economy countries such as Taiwan and the United States. Survival, instead of luxury and quality, becomes the only foundation of life in these third world countries. So what does survival mean? It means that there is nothing wrong with showering with cold water, sleeping with insects that you would rather not know where they came from, and living nowhere near 21
century. The cold water wasn’t bad. I have devised a tactic of holding breath, dumping water, and getting out – all in just a few minutes. However, dealing with the insects was much more perturbing. We’ve tried all sorts of techniques to prevent those annoying bugs and amphibians from crawling into our mouth. In the end, the best thing was to wear a simple mask, close our eyes, and hope that we would eventually start believing that those bugs never existed. Lastly, being in Myanmar has served as a perfect mental hospital for “Internet lovers” like me. Everything that has happened in the world no longer come flying into my hands. I was sailing aimlessly in a sea of uncertainty, and it looked like I would never catch up to the present. Once again, in order to survive, I could only embrace the acceptance of reality.
The sole purpose of the mission was to provide medical assistance and preach The Gospel in Myanmar. Therefore, my second and third behavior – to serve and cooperation – comes readily into existence. The hardest thing that went hand-in-hand with serving helpless people was that I needed to give up the concept of “I” at anytime, in any place, and for anyone. There was no such thing as too sick to help, too old to support, or dirty to touch. We were there to provide unequivocal love and unparalleled service – nothing less. We had to work beyond expectation. (摘譯:我們
Although we were in Myanmar to provide service to its people and spread the word of God, I believe we have benefitted more from this mission than the Myanmar people. I not only got a chance to see the real world but also learned to be more patient and obedient. I no longer whine about living in a cheesy hotel or a motel without air-conditioning – when you have seen the worst, life becomes beautiful. I may have helped relieved the Myanmar people of their discomfort, but it was the Myanmar people who have relieved me of my inveterate behaviors
and needs.(摘譯:雖然我們到緬甸是提供醫療服務及傳遞福音,但我的收獲遠超過提供給緬甸村民的服務,我不但有機會看到第三世界的真實生活,我也學會容忍、順服、謙卑與感恩。當親身經歷過最差的環境時,就會發覺現在所擁有的一切是最美好的。也許我們為緬甸村民減少一點點的病痛,但他們卻幫助我改變我固執的行為與思維。)
I did not stop learning after I come back from Myanmar; in fact, I have learned as much as I have in Myanmar. After I come back to civilization, Dr. Kao started showing me the world of reality. Working under her jurisdiction, I have learned the true meaning of having a job. Changes and modifications become the two most common phenomena. Even though, at first, I did not really enjoy being crushed under this heavy system, I eventually started to respect every aspects of it. I gladly swallowed them, knowing that I would one day come out of the other end of this terrifying tunnel as a better man – a man of honor, respect, and dignity. (摘譯:從緬甸回來後,學習並沒有停止,事實上我學到更多,在小玲主任的帶領與督促下,一遍又一遍的修改、抽換,又修改又抽換,我終於把緬甸12天的故事用中、英文影片方式呈現。雖然過程中,我曾經對於影片文字或照片不斷的修改,覺得不開心或沮喪,但我學會接受批評、建議與順服,我相信經過這樣的磨練,將來我會成為一個誠懇、有尊嚴、尊重別人的人。)
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