彰化基督教醫院 海外醫療中心





Since 2005, Changhua Christian Hospital began their short-term medical mission in Papua New Guinea. Till 2017, CCH has organized more than 77 medial teams to Swaziland, Papua New Guinea, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Mongolia for short-term voluntary service. More than 30,000 patients received the service directly and gave highly feedback and treasure friendship to CCH. 




In order to strengthen the technologies and share the new knowledge of health promotion, CCH hosted staffs, scholars and students from cooperative countries by attending advance training. The trainees could act as the seed to spread the innovative ideas and updated technology to build the capacity of their organization when they back to their own country.



CCH aimed at strengthening the cooperation with local community organizations such as social welfare networks, schools and community associations. By assessing the local needs and provide comprehensive professional support, CCH carried out the public health projects under severely limited resource. “Children malnutrition improvement project” in Vietnam, “Health promotion and education project “in rural Nepal and the “Diabetes geographic mapping program “in St. Lucia are all successfully conducted.



The Hospital also donated used but still good equipments to developing countries such as Congo, Kenya, Nepal and St. Vincent to strengthen the hospital capacities.



 彰化基督教醫院 版權所有 彰化市建寶街20號 福懋大樓4樓 電話: 04-7238595 分機8475 E-mail: 138440@cch.org.tw 瀏覽人次瀏覽人次 42943        © 2010 Changhua Christian Hospital All Rights Reserved.