"I speak English, because I don't afraid to speak it out"
The people will ask, what's the relation between the title of this essay and the final review of our medical mission? Be patient I will let you know at the final of this text. (摘譯:你們或許會問此文章的標題與海外醫療任務之最後省思有何關聯? 請耐心等待,在文章的最後,你將會找到解答。)
This is the first time I went to a medical mission with Changhua Christian Hospital team. The driver picked us up at 2:00am then we arrived airport by 5:00am to catch the 7:00 am's flight, after 4 hours we arrived Yangon International Airport. The first impression of this country to me was a little bit underdevelopment due to its poor infrastructure, the streets were full of holes, and traffic congestion is horrible which we can spend hours trapped on the streets. (摘譯:這是我第一次參與彰基海外醫療服務,9月7日深夜2點司機接駁團員後,於清晨5點抵達桃園中正機場,以便銜接7點的飛機。經過4小時飛行後,我們平安抵達在仰光國際機場,對緬甸的第一印象是:緬甸發展些許落後,因基礎建設不足,路上滿是坑洞,交通嚴重堵塞,有時會被困在車潮中數小時之久。)
The Pastor David and some other friends went to airport to receive us, thanks to God everything including the drugs pass through custom without any troubles according to the previous experiences. We did not waste time, at the first day we did medical attention to the inhabitant kids of Pastor David's orphanage. On the consecutive days we did the repeatedly medical services to the kids and common people as well. Thanks to our chief's leadership and the cooperation of our team we gave attention to almost 850 patients and the feedbacks according to Pastor David were good, many patients got cured. (摘譯:大衛牧師(本計畫當地負責人)與他的幾個朋友到機場來迎接我們。感謝上帝!我們攜帶的藥品順利通關,沒有任何麻煩。我們沒有浪費一分一秒,抵達後第一天下午,便前往大衛牧師的孤兒院進行醫療服務,接下來的數天,也為當地的民眾及孩童做檢查與診療,感謝小玲執行長的帶領與團員的合作無間,將近850位當地病患因我們的醫療服務而受惠。間接地也從大衛牧師得知當地居民反應十分熱烈並給予正面的回饋,很多患者也因此而病癒。)
For my opinion the medical assistance is a key to enter the population, because we only provides few days of drugs for some chronic disease like hypertension, diabetes mellitus may need long term treatment which we can not afford in those conditions, but we can do some health education and knowledge to the general population which may help them to prevent disease and take care of themself. (摘譯:我個人認為醫療援助是融入當地的重要關鍵,由於我們只能提供幾日慢性疾病的藥物 (譬如:高血壓),而像糖尿病這種需要長期治療的疾病,我們雖無法提供藥物,但可藉由衛教以增加對疾病的認知與預防,幫助他們自我照護。)
I think the most important thing to deal with the foreign aids is respect the local people's traditions, values and their way to resolve problems; we can intervene if they show expressly their needs. (摘譯:我想在參與國際援助時,最重要的是要尊重當地傳統、價值觀及他們解決問題的方式,在他們真正需要幫助時給予協助。)
During the last day of attention, I found a 45 to 50 years old man who dressed with “longia" (salon as traditional local costume). He just like a common countryside farmer but with fluent English, he helped us with translations, I was curious then asked him why he's English is so good, he answered me " I speak English because I don't afraid speak it out". That is the spirit of Myanmar people I admire, even the country was ruined by the military government, the nature disaster devastated this place years ago, but the people still living with hope, trying at their best to improve the present conditions. They do not scare of challenge and attempt repeatedly until succeed. Instead our people get used to the comfort environment, if something wrong happened must be other people's fault. I hope one day our next generation can say proudly to a foreigner “I do it well because I don't afraid of.......". (摘譯:在進行醫療服務的最後一天,我發現一位身穿“longia"(當地傳統服裝)、年約45-50歲的老人,他就像一般鄉村的農民,但會說一口流利的英文,協助翻譯,幫助我們與當地人溝通。在好奇心的驅使下,我問他:「為什麼你的英文這麼好?」,他回答我:「我說英文,因為我不害怕大聲說出口。」,這就是我所景仰緬甸人的精神,即使這個國家遭受軍政府的壓迫,且數年前曾遭逢天災的毀壞,但是,這裡的人仍對未來充滿希望,努力的改善現況,他們不害怕挑戰,總是不斷嘗試直到成功為止。相較之下,我們國家的人民則易安逸於現況,用指責他人的方式,來面對事情突發的改變。我希望有一天我們的下一代能驕傲的向外國人大聲說:「我把事情做的很好,因為我不害怕……」。)