Because of gathering together with our Chang Hua Christian Hospital oversea medical service group including Dr. Ho, Dr. Lin (Family medicine director), me, Dr. Kao (metabolism and endocrinologist), pharmacist Mrs. Kao, and assistance Mr. and Mrs. Chen, and Mrs. Jen at the airport early in the morning 4:30 a.m., so we needed to wake up morning 3:00 a.m. Our flight time is 7:00 a.m.. We all together check in 5:00 a.m.. We arrived in Rangoon(Myanmar) international airport at local time 9:50 a.m.(the jet lag ,that different time in between different zone is 1.5 hour.)
Pastor David and his wife Nancy pick up in airport and then send us to Golden Guest Inn Hotel we put our luggage down and then went to ate lunch at 1:00 p.m. (Taiwan’s time is 3:00 p.m.) so we all very hungry after that we went to Peter Pastor’s house for take care of orphans (on a volunteer basis) physical and medical an overall checkup till 5:00 p.m. And we all exhausted. Finally, back to hotel and took the dinner in neighborhood, and for small shopping. That’s our first day journey program. Totally 5 days clinics, we have already diagnosed the following patients.
經過這幾天的義診,總共看了136位病人,男性有60人、女性有76人。大部分的診斷為 Acute URI 有53人,Hyperthyroidism 6人,Dermatitis , eczema 20人,HTN 26人,OA knee 16 人,DM with poor control 8人,AGE 2人,Dizziness headache 2人,另外,有比較特殊的症狀Unilateral gynecomastia right 1人,Cushing’s syndrome 1人,Cleft lip 1人,都建議轉診至Rangoon Hospital。
Finally, from this trip of charity medical care to those poor orphans and poor old people in Myanmar, it reminds us to cherish our present life and share the charity(conation) to those in need of help.