彰化基督教醫院 海外醫療中心


 2014泰國短期醫療宣教團服務感想-實習醫學生 Jessica Ah-Kye

This experience is unlike anything I could have imagined. To start off, the organisation of this volunteer programme was thorough and well structured. Because of this, even though I was travelling to a foreign in place, not only did I feel safe but my parents were relieved knowing that I would be in safe hands. Meeting the Changhua Christian Hospital team has given me long lasting friendships. Everyone was so friendly and easy going, we were like a close family for a week.
Our welcome into Thailand and the Overbrook Christian Hospital has been overwhelming. From our daily meals at the mobile clinics, to the organised dinners and even the best tables at the Christmas Party, they were the perfect hosts and I felt spoiled every day. Every member of the Overbrook team gave us so much kindness and gratitude. It was a treat to visit the impressive Overbrook Hospital as honoured guests.
The four mobile clinics varied in amenities, and each had their charm. I enjoyed every day at the clinics, meeting the locals and providing treatment. The last day on clinic made me realise that four days is not enough. I would love to have done more. Our Thai dental team were a perfect mix of fun and professional. I was anxious for the first day of clinics, not knowing what to expect. But I was quickly put at ease by the team. We worked in perfect harmony from day one.
This mission is unique and I cannot express how grateful I am to have the opportunity to be part of it. The vast specialities within our team expanded my knowledge and my opinion of the idea of a multi-disciplinary team. I had the opportunity to work amongst high quality professionals, top in their field, and learn from them. I was particularly interested in Chinese medicine, as this is unfamiliar to me. One night I even experienced the effects of acupuncture, and the Chinese medical doctors enlightened me in the uses and concepts of Chinese medicine.
The practical dental experience I have gained from only four days is immense. I have performed far more extractions after only one day in the mobile clinic than I have throughout four years of dental school! My confidence in my own skills has grown substantially, and I have rediscovered my passion for dentistry.
We witnessed more of the Thai culture than we would have on a regular holiday. The local Thai people are humble and they often show their appreciation towards our team. The children are respectful and a breath of fresh air. I have loved working with the children, teaching them tooth brushing and hand washing techniques, treating them and playing with them. I will remember every child patient I treated during the four mission days and how brave they were and how rewarding it was to see them smile.
The hotel was a convenient location and we definitely made the most out of the night market and local facilities, including massage and karaoke! The local street food was so addictive; I could have eaten it every day!  I thoroughly enjoyed our tourist outings. The White and Black temples were stunning works of architecture. They contrasted in structure and design, but were equally stunning. Finally, what better way to finish an unforgettable journey than with an elephant ride. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to Nina, Overbrook Hospital and the Changhua team.


 彰化基督教醫院 版權所有 彰化市建寶街20號 福懋大樓4樓 電話: 04-7238595 分機8475 E-mail: 138440@cch.org.tw 瀏覽人次瀏覽人次 42943        © 2010 Changhua Christian Hospital All Rights Reserved.