彰化基督教醫院 海外醫療中心


 2016年蒙古短期海外醫療服務感想--婦產部 鄔汝麟醫師

    Mongolia is an inland country with small landscape variety, it is around 44 times the size of Taiwan but with population just under 3 million. Around half of the Mongolian populations are located around its capital Ulaanbaatar and the rest scattered around the country either in cities like Darkhan (2nd biggest Mongolian city with population of around 100 thousand) or in the country side. Traditionally, Mongolian people lived as nomads, this lifestyle has not been forgotten and a great number of Mongolian populations still retain this lifestyle today.
    During this medical missionary service, I was able to serve with a local OB/GYN doctor Undraa in Darkhan hospital for 3 days. We have treated and discussed about various different cases we encountered during our clinic hours. She also kindly shared with me the approach and treatment of various OB/GYN conditions with limited amount of resource in Darkhan. We have also visited the whole OB/GYN department on day 3 of clinical day. With population just over 100 thousand and only 2 hospitals in Darkhan city, they deliver around just under 300 newborns in one month, which is comparable with CCH. Also she told me that their C/S rate is as high as 55%. Most of the multiparous women I’ve encountered whom underwent previous C/S received classical procedure instead of pfannestiel/low cervical procedure. I would personally suggest that for those of surgical oriented specialization, we should focus on helping to strengthen Darkhan doctors’ surgical procedure, by participating or demonstrating some of the scheduled or emergency surgery.
    After returning to UB from Darkhan, I had the pleasure of accompanying and translate for Dr. Altan during dinner with our Mongolia diplomat. Dr. Altan had mentioned that Korean missionaries have programs for doctors stationed in Mongolia for longer period of time from several weeks, months even up to 2 years; he thought this way is most beneficial for the patient’s and education of local doctors, which I agreed but presented some obstacles for this: 1st, Christianity is more popular in Korean and therefore, Korean missionaries are more likely to be Christians and more motivated for such task. 2nd, a program including above average salary for doctors should be provided. 3rd, the program should incorporate the consideration of moving the family and provide proper housing as well as transportation during the stay in Mongolia. Only after satisfying those basics mentioned above, then long term stationed missionary from CCH can be possible.


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