The Report of Medical Evangelism of Nonga General Hospital in PNG
耳鼻喉暨頭頸部 ─ 張正權 醫師
Nonga is situated north from the old town of Rabaul. The Nonga General Hospital rebuild after volcanic eruptions in 1994. The services provided to an estimated Bed of 300-350.
We Overseas Medical Mission afford proctor, medicine, ENT and ER service nursing. The total beds of 15 services. The in-patients most of them were oral cancers.
The prevention of oral cancers through lectures which showed the deformed facial expression post-betel nut quid and smoking. Assumed the avoiding betel chewing habit is bad.
During ENT OPD consulting with Dr. Larawin found the Modified of PMC flap and free flap are help for him. Due to lack of microscope, the ear operation such as tympanoplasty and cholesteatoma operation are difficult. He referred the complicated lethal brain abscess with cholesteatoma to Port General Hospital due to without microscope to do it early. The ENT surgery in theatre OR is oral cancer. Because of lack of CT scan, that the invasion of tumor was unable to evaluate. After total removed it the further Irradiation and chemotherapy are needed. In conclusion, the CT scan pathologic doctors and radiotherapists are urgent need for a referred second general hospital.
I taught Dr. Larawin not only the surgical technique but also the patient safe care in OR. In OR, just before operation, using time-out method ,everyone in the OR see and listen one of the surgical team ask patient to answer who he/she is, name speak out age ,operation site what operation patient will receive today. The final step just before patient being anesthesia is to pray together for the patient. I suggested him recommend his colleagues to do so in the future during in OR.
Madam Janet Yaki who had received colon cancer operation with a permanent colostomy in CCH. She had done many touched witness and shared her experiences around her country. She worked with us and demonstrated how the colostomy been used correctly.
The Taiwan representative in PNG went with our team joint the farewell party on 16 Oct. There are important donation ceremony and big dinner.
We shared the experiences and exchange of gifts with Nonga hospital. The CEO Dr. Yap of Nonga hospital, addressed a thank-you speech and hope we have further sustained exchange program that included manpower and facility in the future.