2008.12.31 新聞報導
2008. 7.03 The Swazi Observer Taiwan donates 2 cars to health ministry
*The embassy of the republic china on Taiwan yesterday donated two .....................................................................(詳細報導)
2008 觀察家報紙 Accolads for Taiwan Medical Mission
*I would like to thank the Taiwan Medical Mission for brining medical specialists...................................................(詳細報導)
2008 杜醫師手術病人成功報導 Taiwan doctor saved my life
*The Taiwan medical mission has saved the life of a car accident survivor.................................................................(詳細報導)
2008 杜醫師手術病人之記者會 A Second chance to life
*MBABANE-A Swazi man has been given.................................. *Sibusiso Kunene of Nhlangano couled have been dead if it......... ...........................................................................(詳細報導)
2008 史國有關VHF之全國報導 Govt issues red alert for killer fever
*Government has issued a red alert particlularly........................ *Already three people have died from the disease with flulike symptoms..............................................................(詳細報導)
2008 ICDF視察團報導 Taiwan sets aside E2m for boreholes
*The Taiwan ICDF has set aside a budget.................................................... *As a result , a delegation of four Taiwanese made up......................(詳細報導)