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Privacy Policy
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Update: 2017/09/12
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Privacy Policy

Dear User:
Welcome to "Changhua Christian Hospital". In order to ensure your privacy, the C.C.H for Bilingual Website has established a privacy policy for its Web site. The following will detail the C.C.H for Bilingual Website's policies and principles concerning the collection, use and protection of user data provided by visitors to this Web site and extended service sites. Please read it carefully.

Scope of Use
The following privacy policies apply when you are browsing the C.C.H for Bilingual Website and extended service sites .
The policies concern the collection, use and protection of personal data. However, said policies shall not apply to any activity you might initiate by virtue of passing to a different Web site as the result of a search on a C.C.H for Bilingual Website page or by other means. The protection of your personal data while browsing other Web pages depends on the individual privacy policies of the sites involved.

Data Collection
Depending on the service being provided, all or part of the following user data may be collected from visitors: 
A. Online Events and Questionnaires:
    When you participate in an online event or answer a questionnaire or
    survey, we may ask you to provide your name, ID number, telephone
    number, e-mail address and physical address. Some events may be
    limited to registered members. Additionally, if you click on a banner ad
    or link on the C.C.H Website in order to participate in a prize drawing,
    competition or other event sponsored by another Web site or organization
    ,the said third party organizations or Web sites will have their own privacy 
    policies concerning personal data you provide. Such handling of data does
    not involve the privacy policies relating to the KM Platform for Bilingual
    Website, and the C.C.H Website cannot be held
    responsible for any consequences of third-party Web site policies.

B. General Browsing:
    While you are browsing the KM Platform for Bilingual Website, the server
    will automatically produce a log file. This file includes your IP address, 
    duration of visit, browser version used, and records of your browsing and
    clicking behavior. Information about pages viewed and time spent on-site
    is used to improve the quality of the C.C.H for Bilingual Website 's 
    offerings and service.

C. Other:
     If you write to the C.C.H for Bilingual Website, or express an opinion to
     us via another channel, we will retain the communication and a record of
     its disposition. However, on the C.C.H Website 's discussion boards you
     may at times provide personal information, such as e-mail addresses or
     names, to other users. This provision of such data does not fall within
     the scope of the C.C.H Website 's privacy policy.

Information on the Privacy Policy
If you would like to express an opinion or ask a question about the C.C.H Website 's privacy policy, data collection, use or user data update procedures, please contact us.
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