彰化基督教醫院 口腔癌中心



陳穆寬 院長

教職: 教育部審定合格教授 (教字第018490號; 2010年迄今)

法國Corlas (Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum; founded in 1926) 會員(每國家限10名會員)


1.Head Neck
3.BioMed Central Cancer
4.Acta Oto-Laryngologica
5.Case Reports in Otolaryngology
6.Lasers in Medical Science
7.Molecular Medicine
8.Clinical Pediatric
9.BMC Clinical Pathology
10.Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology
12.Cell Proliferation
13.BMC Cancer
14.Tumor Biology

1. World Journal of Stomatology
2. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
3. Case Reports in Otolaryngology
4. World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
5. Oral Oncology
6. Journal of Rhinolaryngo-Otologies
7. Journal of Surgical Research Updates
8. Journal of Gene Therapy Aspects

科技部95-100,103-107 年度專題研究計劃初審委員
國家科學委員會101-102 年度外科二學門專題研究計劃複審委員

國際性會議邀請演講(invited speaker)或擔任座長(chairman)
1.The International Symposium for the Robotic Surgery
2.13th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
3.The Korean Society of Thyroid-Head and Neck Surgery (KSTHNS)
4.5th Asia-Pacific Summit on Cancer Therapy
5.4th Congress of Asian Society of Head and Neck Oncology
6.13th Asia Oceania ORL-HNS Congress
7.The TRSA 1st Jointed International Symposium of Minimal Invasive Surgery and Multidisciplinary Approach
8.The International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS)
9.3rd Congress of the Asian Society of Head and Neck Oncology (ASHNO)
10.11th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
11.3rd Asia Pacific Rhinology Innovative Leaders (APRIL) Forum on Advanced FESS and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery
12.1 st Asian Society of Head and Neck Oncology (ASHNO) Conference
13.International Zagreb Course (Europe) in Head and Neck Surgery
14.5th 12 Provinces of South West China ENT Conference
15.4th World Congress of International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (Instruction course)
16.12 th Asia Oceania ORL-HNS Congress
17.8 th International Conference on Head & Neck Cancer
18.3 rd Asian Society of Head and Neck Oncology (ASHNO) Conference
19.44th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
20.15 th ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress

1.Master Techniques in Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
2.Oral Cancer: Symptoms, Management and Risk Factors

1. The role of SRY-box-11 in the clinical characterization and the regulation of metastasis-related factors in oral cancer. (2018-2021)
2. 感官系統醫學學門規畫研究推動計畫 (2019)
3. 感官系統醫學學門規畫研究推動計畫 (2018)
4. 感官系統醫學學門規畫研究推動計畫 (2017)
5. The involvement of Pentraxin-3 in the carcinogenesis and the regulation of metastasis-related factors in oral cancer. (2017-2020)
6. The involvement of Endothelial Cell-specific Molecule-1 in the carcinogenesis and the regulation of angiogenesis-related factors in oral cancer. (2015-2017)
7. Study of cathepsin and it’s inhibitors expression and epigenetic regulation in oral cancer (2012-2015)
8. The expression of plasminogen activater\plasmin system in oral submucous fibrosis and oral cancer(2009-2012)
9. The expression and functional analysis of DNA repair gene in head and neck cancer stem-like cells (2008-2011)

International publications in S.C.I. journal (1998-2020):
1. Velmurugan BK, Lin JT, Mahalakshmi B, Chuang YC, Lin CC, Lo YS, Hsieh MJ, Chen MK*. Luteolin-7-O-Glucoside Inhibits Oral Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion by Regulating Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Expression and Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathway. Biomolecules. 2020 Mar 26;10(4):E502. [IF:]
2. Chen TY, Lai HW, Hou IL, Lin CH, Chen MK, Chou CC, Lin YR. Buffer Areas in Emergency Department to Handle Potential COVID-19 Community Infection in Taiwan. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2020 Mar 20:101635. [IF:]
3. Hsieh MJ, Lin CW, Su SC, Reiter RJ, Chen AW, Chen MK*, Yang SF. Effects of miR-34b/miR-892a Upregulation and Inhibition of ABCB1/ABCB4 on Melatonin-Induced Apoptosis in VCR-Resistant Oral Cancer Cells. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2020 Mar 6;19:877-889. [IF:]
4. Liu YT, Chuang YC, Lo YS, Lin CC, Hsi YT, Hsieh MJ, Chen MK*. Asiatic Acid, Extracted From Centella asiatica and Induces Apoptosis Pathway Through the Phosphorylation p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Cisplatin-Resistant Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells. Biomolecules. 2020 Jan 25;10(2):184. [IF:]
5. Tseng PY, Liu YT, Lin CC, Chuang YC, Lo YS, Hsi YT, Hsieh MJ, Chen MK*. Pinostilbene Hydrate Inhibits the Migration and Invasion of Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells by Downregulating MMP-2 Expression and Suppressing Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Through the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathways. Front Oncol. 2019 Dec 3;9:1364. [IF:4.137]
6. Su SC, Chang LC, Lin CW, Chen MK, Yu CP, Chung WH, Yang SF. Mutational signatures and mutagenic impacts associated with betel quid chewing in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Human Genetics. 2019 Dec;138:1379-1389. [IF:5.207]
7. Su CW, Chang YC, Chien MH, Hsieh YH, Chen MK, Lin CW, Yang SF. Loss of TIMP3 by promoter methylation of Sp1 binding site promotes oral cancer metastasis. Cell Death Dis. 2019 Oct 17;10(11):793. [IF:5.959]
8. Lin SH, Chen MK, Chang JH, Velmurugan BK, Annamanedi M, Su SC, Yeh KT, Yang SF. Impact of Polymorphisms in Casein Kinase 1 Epsilon and Environmental Factors in Oral Cancer Susceptibility. J Cancer. 2019 Aug 28;10(21):5065-5069. [IF:3.182]
9. Yeh CM, Hsieh MJ, Yang JS, Yang SF, Chuang YT, Su SC, Liang MY, Chen MK*, Lin CW. Geraniin inhibits oral cancer cell migration by suppressing matrix metalloproteinase-2 activation through the FAK/Src and ERK pathways. Environ Toxicol. 2019 Oct;34(10):1085-1093. [IF:2.649]
10. Chen MK, Liu YT, Lin JT, Lin CC, Chuang YC, Lo YS, His YT, Hsieh MJ. Pinosylvin reduced migration and invasion of oral cancer carcinoma by regulating matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression and extracellular signalregulated kinase pathway. Biomed Pharmacother. 2019 Sep;117:109160. [IF:3.743]
11. Yeh CM, Lin CW, Chuang CY, Liu YF, Chou CH, Yang SF, Chen MK*. Functional Genetic Variant of Long Pentraxin 3 Gene Is Associated With Clinical Aspects of Oral Cancer in Male Patients. Frontiers in Oncology. 2019 Jul 3;9:581. [IF:4.137]
12. Yeh CM, Hsieh MJ, Yang JS, Yang SF, Chuang YT, Su SC, Liang MY, Chen MK*, Lin CW. Geraniin inhibits oral cancer cell migration by suppressing matrix metalloproteinase-2 activation through the FAK/Src and ERK pathways. Environ Toxicol. 2019 Jun 11. [Epub ahead of print] [IF:2.649]
13. Hsiang CC, Chen AW, Chen CH, Chen MK*. Early Postoperative Oral Exercise Improves Swallowing Function Among Patients With Oral Cavity Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ear Nose Throat J. 2019 Jul;98(6):E73-E80. [IF:1.375]
14. Hsieh MJ, Wang CW, Lin JT, Chuang YC, Hsi YT, Lo YS, Lin CC, Chen MK*. Celastrol, a plant-derived triterpene, induces cisplatin-resistance nasopharyngeal carcinoma cancer cell apoptosis though ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK signaling pathway. Phytomedicine. 2019 May;58:152805. [IF:4.18]
15. Su WW, Chuang SL, Yen AM, Chen SL, Fann JC, Chiu SY, Chiu HM, Su CW, Hsu CY, Chen MK, Chen HH, Wang CP, Lee YC. Risk for a second primary hypopharyngeal and esophageal cancer after an initial primary oral cancer. Oral Dis. 2019 May;25(4):1067-1075. [IF:2.625]
16. Su WW, Su CW, Chang DC, Chuang SL, Chen SL, Hsu CY, Yen AM, Chiu SY, Fann JC, Lee YH, Jeng YC, Lee YC, Chiu HM, Chen TH, Wang CP, Chen MK*. Impact of varying anatomic sites on advanced stage and survival of oral cancer: 9-year prospective cohort of 27?717 cases. Head Neck. 2019 May;41(5):1475-1483. [IF:2.442]
17. Lin FZ, Wang SC, Hsi YT, Lo YS, Lin CC, Chuang YC, Lin SH, Hsieh MJ, Chen MK*. Celastrol induces vincristine multidrug resistance oral cancer cell apoptosis by targeting JNK1/2 signaling pathway. Phytomedicine. 2019 Feb 15;54:1-8. [IF:4.18]
18. Chang DC, Chen AW, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Chen MK*. Factors associated with suicidal ideation risk in head and neck cancer: A longitudinal study. Laryngoscope. 2019 Jan 28. [Epub ahead of print]
19. Chung CM, Hung CC, Lee CH, Lee CP, Lee KW, Chen MK, Yeh KT, Ko YC. Variants in FAT1 and COL9A1 genes in male population with or without substance use to assess the risk factors for oral malignancy. PLoS One. 2019 Jan 18;14(1):e0210901. [IF:2.776]
20. Liu YT, Hsieh MJ, Lin JT, Chen G, Lin CC, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Hsi YT, Chen MK*, Chou MC. Coronarin D induces human oral cancer cell apoptosis though upregulate JNK1/2 signaling pathway. Environ Toxicol. 2019 Apr;34(4):513-520. [IF:2.649]
21. Liu YT, Hsieh MJ, Lin JT, Chen G, Lin CC, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Hsi YT, Chen MK*, Chou MC. Erianin induces cell apoptosis through ERK pathway in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018 Dec 23;111:262-269. [IF:3.743]
22. Chuang SL, Wang CP, Chen MK, Su WW, Su CW, Chen SL, Chiu SY, Fann JC, Yen AM. Malignant transformation to oral cancer by subtype of oral potentially malignant disorder: A prospective cohort study of Taiwanese nationwide oral cancer screening program. Oral Oncol. 2018 Dec;87:58-63. [IF:3.73]
23. Chen AW, Wu SL, Cheng WL, Chuang CS, Chen CH, Chen MK*, Liu CS. Dysphagia with fatal choking in oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy: Case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Oct;97(43):e12935. [IF:1.87]
24. Hsieh MY, Chen MK*. ASO Author Reflections: Tegafur-Uracil in Advanced Oral Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Dec;25(Suppl 3):899-900. [IF:3.681]
25. Hsieh MJ, Chin MC, Lin CC, Hsi YT, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Chen MK*. Pinostilbene Hydrate Suppresses Human Oral Cancer Cell Metastasis by Downregulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Through the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathway. Cell Physiol Biochem 2018;50:911-923 [IF:5.5]
26. Su CW, Chen MK, Hung WC, Yang SF, Chuang CY, Lin CW. Functional variant of CHI3L1 gene is associated with neck metastasis in oral cancer. Clin Oral Investig. 2019 Jun;23(6):2685-2694. [IF:2.453]
27. Ou YH, Chen AW, Fan JY, Cheng WL, Lin TT, Chen MK, Liu CS. Aminoglycoside-associated nonsyndromic deafness and speech disorder in mitochondrial A1555G mutation in a family: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Oct;97(42). [IF:1.87]
28. Liao MY, Chuang CY, Hsieh MJ, Chou YE, Lin CW, Chen WR, Lai CT, Chen MK*, Yang SF. Antimetastatic effects of Eclipta prostrata extract on oral cancer cells. Environ Toxicol. 2018 Sep;33(9):923-930. [IF:2.491]
29. Su CW, Chien MH, Lin CW, Chen MK, Chow JM, Chuang CY, Chou CH, Liu YC, Yang SF. Associations of genetic variations of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene and environmental carcinogens with oral cancer susceptibility and development. Nitric Oxide. 2018 Jun 20;79:1-7. [IF:4.367]
30. Hsieh MY, Chen G, Chang DC, Chien SY, Chen MK*. The Impact of Metronomic Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Oral Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Jul;25(7):2091-2097. [IF:3.857]
31. Chang CF, Hsieh MY, Chen MK, Chou MC. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of head and neck: A retrospective clinical analysis of a single institution. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2018 Aug;45(4):831-837. [IF:1.128]
32. Chen G, Hsieh MY, Chen AW, Kao NH, Chen MK*. The effectiveness of school educating program for betel quid chewing: A pilot study in Papua New Guinea. J Chin Med Assoc. J Chin Med Assoc. 2018 Apr;81(4):352-357. [IF:1.252]
33. Yang SF, Huang HD, Fan WL, Jong YJ, Chen MK, Huang CN, Chuang CY, Kuo YL, Chung WH, Su SC. Compositional and functional variations of oral microbiota associated with the mutational changes in oral cancer. Oral Oncol. 2018 Feb;77:1-8. [IF:4.794]
34. Liu PY, Chang DC, Lo YS, Hsi YT, Lin CC, Chuang YC, Lin SH, Hsieh MJ, Chen MK*. Osthole induces human nasopharyngeal cancer cells apoptosis through Fas-Fas ligand and mitochondrial pathway. Environ Toxicol. 2018 Apr;33(4):446-453. [IF:2.491]
35. Chen JC, Hsieh MC, Lin SH, Lin CC, Hsi YT, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Hsieh MJ, Chen MK*. Coronarin D induces reactive oxygen species-mediated cell death in human nasopharyngeal cancer cells through inhibition of p38 MAPK and activation of JNK. Oncotarget. 2017 Nov 14;8(64):108006-108019. [IF:5.168]
36. Chen AW, Tseng YS, Lin CC, Hsi YT, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Lin SH, Yu CY, Hsieh MJ, Chen MK*. Norcantharidin induce apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma through caspase and mitochondrial pathway. Environ Toxicol. 2018 Mar;33(3):343-350. [IF:2.491]
37. Chou CH, Hsieh MJ, Chuang CY, Lin JT, Yeh CM, Tseng PY, Yang SF, Chen MK*, Lin CW. Functional FGFR4 Gly388Arg polymorphism contributes to oral squamous cell carcinoma susceptibility. Oncotarget. 2017 Oct 23;8(56):96225-96238. [IF:5.168]
38. Yang WE, Hsieh MJ, Lin CW, Kuo CY, Yang SF, Chuang CY, Chen MK*. Plasma Levels of Endothelial Cell-Specific Molecule-1 as a Potential Biomarker of Oral Cancer Progression. Int. J. Med. Sci. 2017, Vol. 14 [IF:2.399]
39. Chung CM, Lee CH, Chen MK, Tsai MH, Ko YC. Interaction Between Rare Variants in NOTCH1 and Betel Quid Chewing in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2017 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print] [IF:1.263]
40. Lai KM, Lin JT, Lu HJ, Liang CC, Chen MK*. Is definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy effective for locally advanced head and neck cancer in the elderly aged ? 75 years: A single-institute, retrospective, cohort study. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2017 Aug 25.[Epub ahead of print] [IF:1.959]
41. Lin HF, Hsieh MJ, Hsi YT, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Chen MK*, Chien SY. Celastrol-induced apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma is associated with the activation of the death receptor and the mitochondrial pathway. Oncol Lett. 2017 Aug;14(2):1683-1690. [IF:1.39]
42. Chien SY, Hsu CH, Lin CC, Chuang YC, Lo YS, Hsi YT, Hsieh MJ, Chen MK*. Nimbolide induces apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal cancer cells. Environ Toxicol. 2017 Aug;32(8):2085-2092. (Corresponding author) [IF:2.937]
43. Chung TT, Chuang CY, Teng YH, Hsieh MJ, Lai JC, Chuang YT, Chen MK*, Yang SF. Tricetin suppresses human oral cancer cell migration by reducing matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression through the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway. Environ Toxicol. 2017 Nov;32(11):2392-2399. (Corresponding author) [IF:2.937]
44. Chung CM, Lee CH, Chen MK, Lee KW, Lan CE, Kwan AL, Tsai MH, Ko YC. Combined Genetic Biomarkers and Betel Quid Chewing for Identifying High-Risk Group for Oral Cancer Occurrence. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2017 Jun;10(6):355-362. [IF:3.985]
45. Chung HH, Chen MK, Chang YC, Yang SF, Lin CC, Lin CW. Inhibitory effects of Leucaena leucocephala on the metastasis and invasion of human oral cancer cells. Environ Toxicol. 2017 Jun;32(6):1765-1774. [IF:2.937]
46. Chuang SL, Su WW, Chen SL, Yen AM, Wang CP, Fann JC, Chiu SY, Lee YC, Chiu HM, Chang DC, Jou YY, Wu CY, Chen HH, Chen MK*, Chiou ST. Population-based screening program for reducing oral cancer mortality in 2,334,299 Taiwanese cigarette smokers and/or betel quid chewers. Cancer. 2017 May 1;123(9):1597-1609. (Corresponding author) [IF:6.072]
47. Hsu LS, Huang RH, Lai HW, Hsu HT, Sung WW, Hsieh MJ, Wu CY, Lin YM, Chen MK, Lo YS, Chen CJ. KLF6 inhibited oral cancer migration and invasion via downregulation of mesenchymal markers and inhibition of MMP-9 activities. Int J Med Sci. 2017 Apr 9;14(6):530-535. [IF:2.399]
48. Chuang CY, Chen MK, Hsieh MJ, Yeh CM, Lin CW, Yang WE, Yang SF, Chou YE. High Level of Plasma EGFL6 Is Associated with Clinicopathological Characteristics in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Int J Med Sci. 2017 Apr 8;14(5):419-424. [IF:2.399]
49. Lau HK, Wu ER, Chen MK, Hsieh MJ, Yang SF, Wang LY, Chou YE. Effect of genetic variation in microRNA binding site in WNT1-inducible signaling pathway protein 1 gene on oral squamous cell carcinoma susceptibility. PLoS One. 2017 Apr 20;12(4):e0176246. [IF:2.806]
50. Hsieh MJ, Chen JC, Yang WE, Chien SY, Chen MK, Lo YS, Hsi YT, Chuang YC, Lin CC, Yang SF. Dehydroandrographolide inhibits oral cancer cell migration and invasion through NF-κB-, AP-1-, and SP-1-modulated matrix metalloproteinase-2 inhibition. Biochem Pharmacol. 2017 Apr 15;130:10-20. [IF:4.581]
51. Hsieh MJ, Lin CW, Chen MK, Chien SY, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Hsi YT, Lin CC, Chen JC, Yang SF. Inhibition of cathepsin S confers sensitivity to methyl protodioscin in oral cancer cells via activation of p38 MAPK/JNK signaling pathways. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 22;7:45039. [IF:4.259]
52. Su SC, Lin CW, Liu YF, Fan WL, Chen MK, Yu CP, Yang WE, Su CW, Chuang CY, Li WH, Chung WH, Yang SF. Exome Sequencing of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Reveals Molecular Subgroups and Novel Therapeutic Opportunities. Theranostics. 2017 Feb 26;7(5):1088-1099. [IF:8.712]
53. Su CW, Su BF, Chiang WL, Yang SF, Chen MK, Lin CW. Plasma levels of the tissue inhibitor matrix metalloproteinase-3 as a potential biomarker in oral cancer progression. Int J Med Sci. 2017 Jan 1;14(1):37-44. [IF:2.232]
54. Su CC, Lee KI, Chen MK, Kuo CY, Tang CH, Liu SH. Cantharidin Induced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Apoptosis via the JNK-Regulated Mitochondria and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Related Signaling Pathways. PLoS One. 2016 Dec 8;11(12):e0168095. [IF:3.057]
55. Hsieh MJ, Chien SY, Lin JT, Yang SF, Chen MK*. Polyphyllin G induces apoptosis and autophagy cell death in human oral cancer cells. Phytomedicine. 2016 Dec 1;23(13):1545-1554. [IF:2.937]
56. Cheng HL, Liu YF, Su CW, Su SC, Chen MK, Yang SF, Lin CW. Functional genetic variant in the Kozak sequence of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) gene is associated with oral cancer risk. Oncotarget. Oct 25;7(43):69384-69396. [IF:5.008]
57. Chen JC, Hsieh MJ, Chen CJ, Lin JT, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Chien SY, Chen MK*. Polyphyllin G induce apoptosis and autophagy in human nasopharyngeal cancer cells by modulation of AKT and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 25;7(43):70276-70289. (Corresponding author) [IF:5.008]
58. Yeh CM, Yang SF, Chen MK, Yeh KT, Lin SH, Lin CW. CREB-binding protein expression and the correlation with clinical aspects of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(5):5635-5641 [IF:1.706]
59. Lin CW, Yang WE, Lee WJ, Hua KT, Hsieh FK, Hsiao M, Chen CC, Chow JM, Chen MK, Yang SF, Chien MH. Lipocalin 2 prevents oral cancer metastasis through carbonic anhydrase IX inhibition and is associated with favourable prognosis. Carcinogenesis. 2016 Jul;37(7):712-22. [IF:4.874]
60. Lee MC, Chuang KS, Chen MK, Liu CK, Lee KW, Tsai HY, Lin HH. Fuzzy C-means clustering of magnetic resonance imaging on apparent diffusion coefficient maps for predicting nodal metastasis in head and neck cancer. Br J Radiol. 2016 Jul;89(1063):20150059. [IF:1.84]
61. Chang CF, Chen SL, Sung WW, Hsieh MJ, Hsu HT, Chen LH, Chen MK, Ko JL, Chen CJ, Chou MC. PBK/TOPK Expression Predicts Prognosis in Oral Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Jun 24;17(7). [IF:3.257]
62. Wu IS, Hung GU, Chang BL, Liu CK, Chang TH, Lee HS, Chen MK*. Is unenhanced 18F-FDG-PET/CT better than enhanced CT in the detection of retropharyngeal lymph node metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma? Ear Nose Throat J. 2016 May;95(4-5):178-84. [IF:0.919]
63. Su KJ, Ho CC, Lin CW, Chen MK, Su SC, Yu YL, Yang SF. Combinations of FUT2 gene polymorphisms and environmental factors are associated with oral cancer risk. Tumour Biol. 2016 May;37(5):6647-52. [IF:2.926]
64. Liu YF, Chiang SL, Lin CY, Chang JG, Chung CM, Ko AM, Lin YZ, Lee CH, Lee KW, Chen MK, Hua CH, Tsai MH, Chen YC, Ko YC. Somatic Mutations and Genetic Variants of NOTCH1 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Occurrence and Development. Sci Rep. 2016 Apr 1;6:24014. [IF:5.228]
65. Hsieh MJ, Chen MK, Chen CJ, Hsieh MC, Lo YS, Chuang YC, Chiou HL, Yang SF. Glabridin induces apoptosis and autophagy through JNK1/2 pathway in human hepatoma cells. Phytomedicine. 2016 Apr 15;23(4):359-66. [IF:2.937]
66. Yang WE, Ho CC, Yang SF, Lin SH, Yeh KT, Lin CW, Chen MK*. Cathepsin B Expression and the Correlation with Clinical Aspects of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2016 Mar 31;11(3):e0152165. [IF:3.057]
67. Lin HY, Chen SC, Peng HL, Chen MK*. Effects of a case management program on patients with oral precancerous lesions: a randomized controlled trial. Support Care Cancer. 2016 Jan;24(1):275-84. [IF:2.535]
68. Chung YY, Chen MK*. Three-dimensional colour Doppler imaging for evaluating perforators of the anterolateral thigh flap. Clin Otolaryngol. 2015 Nov 19.[Epub ahead of print] [IF:2.627]
69. Su CW, Huang YW, Chen MK, Su SC, Yang SF, Lin CW. Polymorphisms and Plasma Levels of Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-3: Impact on Genetic Susceptibility and Clinical Outcome of Oral Cancer. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Nov[Epub ahead of print] [IF:1.206]
70. Lin YM, Sung WW, Hsieh MJ, Tsai SC, Lai HW, Yang SM, Shen KH, Chen MK, Lee H, Yeh KT, Chen CJ. High PD-L1 Expression Correlates with Metastasis and Poor Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 12;10(11):e0142656. [IF:3.057]
71. Lin H.-Y, Chen SC, Peng HL, Chen MK*. Unmet information needs and clinical characteristics in patients with precancerous oral lesions. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2015 Nov;24(6):911-9. [IF:1.794]
72. Su KJ, Lin CW, Chen MK, Yang SF, Yu YL. Effects of EZH2 promoter polymorphisms and methylation status on oral squamous cell carcinoma susceptibility and pathology. Am J Cancer Res. 2015 Oct 15;5(11):3475-84. [IF:3.425]
73. Lin FY, Hsieh YH, Yang SF, Chen CT, Tang CH, Chou MY, Chuang YT, Lin CW, Chen MK*. Resveratrol suppresses TPA-induced matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression through the inhibition of MAPK pathways in oral cancer cells. J Oral Pathol Med. 2015 Oct;44(9):699-706. [IF:1.859]
74. Hong SF, Lai YS, Lee KW, Chen MK*. Efficiency of three-dimensional Doppler ultrasonography in assessing nodal metastasis of head and neck cancer. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Oct;272(10):2985-91. [IF:1.627]
75. Hsieh MJ, Lin CW, Chiou HL, Yang SF, Chen MK*. Dehydroandrographolide, an iNOS inhibitor, extracted from from Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees, induces autophagy in human oral cancer cells. Oncotarget, 2015 Oct 13;6(31):30831-49. [IF:5.008]
76. Ko CP, Yang LC, Chen CJ, Yeh KT, Lin SH, Yang SF, Chen MK*, Lin CW. Expression of myeloid zinc finger 1 and the correlation to clinical aspects of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Tumour Biol. 2015 Sep;36(9):7099-105. [IF:2.926]
77. Chang CF, Chiu SC, Yeh SY, Chen MK, Wen YS. Minimally invasive resection of olfactory neuroblastoma by transnasal endoscopy. Ear Nose Throat J. 2015 Aug;94(8):E30-6. [IF:0.919]
78. Ko CP, Lin CW, Chen MK, Yang SF, Chiou HL, Hsieh MJ. Pterostilbene induce autophagy on human oral cancer cells through modulation of Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. Oral Oncol. 2015 Jun;51(6):593-601. [IF:4.286]
79. Hsieh MJ, Hsieh YH, Lin CW, Chen MK, Yang SF, Chiou HL. Transcriptional regulation of Mcl-1 plays an important role of cellular protective effector of vincristine-triggered autophagy in oral cancer cells. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2015 Apr;19(4):455-70. [IF:4.873]
80. Li SY, Hsu CH, Chen MK*. Minimally invasive endoscope-assisted trans-oral excision of huge parapharyngeal space tumors. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2015 Apr;42(2):179-82. [IF:1.038]
81. Chien SY, Hsieh MJ, Chen CJ, Yang SF, Chen MK*. Nobiletin inhibits invasion and migration of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines by involving ERK1/2 and transcriptional inhibition of MMP-2. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2015 Mar;19(3):307-20. [IF:4.873]
82. Yang TL, Ferris RL, Ogawa T, Hwang P, Tong M, Chen MK*. Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery. Biomed Res Int. 2014 Dec; 2014: 625601. [IF:2.134]
83. Hsin CH, Chen MK, Tang CH, Lin HP, Chou MY, Lin CW, Yang SF. High level of plasma matrix metalloproteinase-11 is associated with clinicopathological characteristics in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 25;9(11):e113129. [IF:3.234]
84. Hsieh MJ, Chien SY, Chou YE, Judy C, Chen MK*. Hispolon from Phellinus linteus possesses mediate caspases activation and induces human nasopharyngeal carcinomas cells apoptosis through ERK1/2, JNK1/2 and p38 MAPK pathway. Phytomedicine. 2014 Oct 15;21(12):1746-52. [IF:2.937]
85. Lin CW, Chou YE, Chiou HL, Chen MK, Yang WE, Hsieh MJ, Yang SF. Pterostilbene suppresses oral cancer cell invasion by inhibiting MMP-2 expression. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2014 Oct;18(10):1109-20. [IF:5.139]
86. Yang JS, Chen MK, Yang SF, Chang YC, Su SC, Chiou HL, Chien MH, Lin CW. Increased expression of carbonic anhydrase IX in oral submucous fibrosis and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2014 Sep;52(9):1367-77. [IF:2.707]
87. Hsu CH, Chang CF, Tsai YL, Chen MK*. Endoscopic resection of intranasal meningo-encephalocele accompanying meningioma. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2014 Aug;41(4):392-5. [IF:1.135]
88. Hsieh MJ, Lin CW, Yang SF, Chen MK*, Chiou HL. Glabridin inhibits migration and invasion by transcriptional inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase 9 through modulation of NF-κB and AP-1 activity in human liver cancer cells. Br J Pharmacol. 2014 Jun;171(12):3037-50. [IF:5.259]
89. Tsai CY, Lai YS, Chen MK*. Prediction of lymph node metastasis in T1/T2 tongue squamous cell carcinoma. B-ENT. 2014 Mar;10(3):179-84. [IF:0.431]
90. Hsieh MJ, Chen MK, Yu YY, Sheu GT, Chiou HL. Psoralen reverses docetaxel-induced multidrug resistance in A549/D16 human lung cancer cells lines. Phytomedicine. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014 Feb 15;7(3):1224-8. [IF:2.168]
91. Tseng PY, Lai YS, Chen MK, Shen KH. Progesterone receptor expression in sinonasal leiomyoma: a case report and review of the literature. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014 Feb 15;7(3):1224-8. [IF:2.168]
92. Lee CH, Lin SH, Yang SF, Yang SM, Chen MK, Lee H, Ko JL, Chen CJ, Yeh KT. Low/negative expression of DDX3 might predict poor prognosis in non-smoker patients with oral cancer. Oral Dis. 2014 Jan;20(1):76-83. [IF:2.427]
93. Hsieh MJ, Lin CW, Yang SF, Sheu GT, Yu YY, Chen MK*, Chiou HL. A combination of pterostilbene with autophagy inhibitors exerts efficient apoptotic characteristics in both chemosensitive and chemoresistant lung cancer cells. Toxicol Sci. 2014 Jan;137(1):65-75. [IF:3.88]
94. Lai YS, Chen MK*. Exclusively endoscopic resection of nasopharyngeal adenocarcinoma. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Dec;6(4):263-5. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.855]
95. Lai YS, Kuo CY, Chen MK, Chen HC. 3-D doppler ultrasonography in assessing nodal metastases and staging of head and neck cancer. Laryngoscope. 2013 Dec;123(12):3037-42. [IF:2.272]
96. Tsai HT, Hsin CH, Hsieh YH, Tang CH, Yang SF, Lin CW, Chen MK*. Impact of Interleukin-18 Polymorphisms -607A/C and -137G/C on Oral Cancer Occurrence and Clinical Progression. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 13;8(12):e83572. (Corresponding author) [IF:3.534]
97. Lin CW, Chen PN, Chen MK, Yang WE, Tang CH, Yang SF, Hsieh YS. Kaempferol reduces matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression by down-regulating ERK1/2 and the activator protein-1 signaling pathways in oral cancer cells. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 20;8(11):e80883. [IF:3.534]
98. Hsin CH, Wu BC, Chuang CY, Yang SF, Hsieh YH, Ho HY, Lin HP, Chen MK*, Lin CW. Selaginella tamariscina extract suppresses TPA-induced invasion and metastasis through inhibition of MMP-9 in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma HONE-1 cells. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Sep 23;13:234. (Corresponding author) [IF:1.987]
99. Lin JT, Wang JY, Chen MK, Chen HC, Chang TH, Su BW, Chang PJ. Colon cancer mesenchymal stem cells modulate the tumorigenicity of colon cancer through interleukin 6. Exp Cell Res. 2013 Aug 15;319(14):2216-29. [IF:3.372]
100. Lee CH, Huang NC, Chen HC, Chen MK*. Minimizing shoulder syndrome with intra-operative spinal accessory nerve monitoring for neck dissection. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2013 Apr;33(2):93-6. (Corresponding author) [IF:1.531]
101. Lee MC, Tsai HY, Chuang KS, Liu CK, Chen MK*. Prediction of nodal metastasis in head and neck cancer using a 3T MRI ADC map. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2013 Apr;34(4):864-9. (Corresponding author) [IF:3.124]
102. Lin CH, Lu WC, Wang CW, Chan YC, Chen MK*. Capsaicin induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human KB cancer cells. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Feb 25;13:46. (Corresponding author) [IF:1.987]
103. Chen CJ, Sung WW, Su TC, Chen MK, Wu PR, Yeh KT, Ko JL, Lee H. High expression of interleukin 10 might predict poor prognosis in early stage oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Clin Chim Acta. 2013 Jan 16;415:25-30. [IF:2.764]
104. Chu PY, Liou JH, Lin YM, Chen CJ, Chen MK, Lin SH, Yeh CM, Wang HK, Maa MC, Leu TH, Chang NW, Hsu NC, Yeh KT. Expression of Eps8 correlates with poor survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec;8(4):e77-81. [IF:0.907]
105. Chen MK, Su SC, Lin CW, Tsai CM, Yang SF, Weng CJ. Cathepsin B SNPs elevate the pathological development of oral cancer and raise the susceptibility to carcinogen-mediated oral cancer. Hum Genet. 2012 Dec;131(12):1861-8. [IF:4.633]
106. Chen CJ, Sung WW, Lin YM, Chen MK, Lee CH, Lee H, Yeh KT, Ko JL. Gender difference in the prognostic role of interleukin 6 in oral squamous cell carcinoma. PLoS One. 2012 Nov;7(11):e50104. [IF:3.730]
107. Zavras AI, Yoon AJ, Chen MK, Lin CW, Yang SF. Association between polymorphisms of DNA repair gene ERCC5 and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012 Nov;114(5):624-9. [IF:1.416]
108. Lee CH, Lee KW, Fang FM, Wu DC, Tsai SM, Chen PH, Shieh TY, Chen CH, Wu IC, Huang HL, Chen BH, Chang CH, Chen MK, Chou SH, Tsai YS, Chiang SL, Ko YC. The neoplastic impact of tobacco-free betel-quid on the histological type and the anatomical site of aerodigestive tract cancers. Int J Cancer. 2012 Sep 1;131(5):E733-43. [IF:6.098]
109. Liu CM, Lin YM, Yeh KT, Chen MK, Chang JH, Chen CJ, Chou MY, Yang SF, Chien MH. Expression of carbonic anhydrases I/II and the correlation to clinical aspects of oral squamous cell carcinoma analyzed using tissue microarray. J Oral Pathol Med. 2012 Aug;41(7):533-9. [IF:2.055]
110. Weng CJ, Chen MK, Lin CW, Chung TT, Yang SF. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Haplotypes of MMP-14 are Associated with the Risk and Pathological Development of Oral Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Jul;19 Suppl 3:S319-27. [IF:4.120]
111. Chen CJ, Hsu LS, Lin SH, Chen MK, Wang HK, Hsu JD, Lee H, Yeh KT. Loss of nuclear expression of Kruppel-like factor 4 is associated with poor prognosis in patients with oral cancer. Hum Pathol. 2012 Jul;43(7):1119-25. [IF:2.843]
112. Chu YH, Tzeng SL, Lin CW, Chien MH, Chen MK*, Yang SF. Impacts of MicroRNA Gene Polymorphisms on the Susceptibility of Environmental Factors Leading to Carcinogenesis in Oral Cancer. PLoS One. 2012 Jun;7(6):e39777. (Corresponding author) [IF:3.730]
113. Yoon AJ, Zavras AI, Chen MK, Lin CW, Yang SF. Association between Gly1619ARG polymorphism of IGF2R domain 11 (rs629849) and advanced stage of oral cancer. Med Oncol. 2012 Jun;29(2):682-5. [IF:2.147]
114. Weng CJ, Hsieh YH, Chen MK, Tsai CM, Lin CW, Yang SF. Survivin SNP-carcinogen Interactions in Oral Cancer. J Dent Res. 2012 Apr;91(4):358-63. [IF:3.826]
115. Chien MH, Hsin CH, Shih-Shen Chou L, Chung TT, Lin CH, Weng MS, Chou MY, Chen MK*, Yang SF. Interleukin-23 receptor polymorphism as a risk factor for oral cancer susceptibility. Head Neck. 2012 Apr;34(4):551-6. (Corresponding author) [IF:2.833]
116. Wu SW, Chen WL, Chen WL, Chen MK*. Transnasal endoscopic resection of vidian nerve schwannoma accompanied by sphenoid mucopyocele and oculomotor palsy: a case report. B-ENT. 2012 Mar;8:207-211 (Corresponding author) [IF:0.355]
117. Chien MH, Chou LS, Chung TT, Lin CH, Chou MY, Weng MS, Yang SF, Chen MK*. Effects of E-cadherin (CDH1) gene promoter polymorphisms on the risk and clinicopathologic development of oral cancer. Head Neck. 2012 Mar;34(3):405-11. (Corresponding author) [IF:2.833]
118. Chen WL, Su CC, Chen CM, Lee MC, Chen HC, Chen MK*. MRI-derived tumor thickness: an important predictor of outcome for T4a-staged tongue carcinoma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Mar;269(3):959-63. (Corresponding author) [IF:1.458]
119. Lin JT, Lai GM, Chang TH, Liu MT, Bi CP, Wang JW, Chen MK*. Chemotherapy with modified docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil in patients with metastatic head and neck cancer. Adv Ther. 2012 Jan;29(1):71-7. (Corresponding author) [IF:2.125]
120. Lee CH, Lee KW, Fang FM, Wu DC, Shieh TY, Huang HL, Chen CH, Chen PH, Chen MK, Kuo SJ, Chang CH, Tsai YS, Chiang SL, Tu HP, Chen BH, Ko YC. The use of tobacco-free betel-quid in conjunction with alcohol/tobacco impacts early-onset age and carcinoma distribution for upper aerodigestive tract cancer. J Oral Pathol Med. 2011 Oct;40(9):684-92. [IF:1.628]
121. Lee CH, Ko AM, Warnakulasuriya S, Yin BL, Sunarjo, Zain RB, Ibrahim SO, Liu ZW, Li WH, Zhang SS, Kuntoro, Utomo B, Rajapakse PS, Warusavithana SA, Abdul Razak I, Abdullah N, Shrestha P, Kwan AL, Shieh TY, Chen MK, Ko YC. Intercountry prevalences and practices of betel-quid use in south, southeast and eastern asia regions and associated oral preneoplastic disorders: An international collaborative study by asian betel-quid consortium of south and east Asia. Int J Cancer. 2011 Oct 1;129(7):1741-51. [IF:5.444]
122. Chung TT, Pan MS, Kuo CL, Wong RH, Lin CW, Chen MK, Yang SF. Impact of RECK gene polymorphisms and environmental factors on oral cancer susceptibility and clinicopathologic characteristics in Taiwan. Carcinogenesis. 2011 Jul;32(7):1063-8. [IF:5.702]
123. Chen MK, Yeh KT, Chiou HL, Lin CW, Chung TT, Yang SF. CCR2-64I gene polymorphism increase susceptibility to oral cancer. Oral Oncol. 2011 Jul;47(7):577-82. [IF:2.857]
124. Chen PH, Lee KW, Chen CH, Shieh TY, Ho PS, Wang SJ, Lee CH, Yang SF, Chen MK, Chiang SL, Ko YC. CYP26B1 is a novel candidate gene for betel quid-related oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncol. 2011 Jul;47(7):594-600. [IF:2.857]
125. Hung GU, Wu IS, Lee HS, You WC, Chen HC, Chen MK*. Primary tumor volume measured by FDG-PET and CT in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clin Nucl Med. 2011 Jun;36(6):447-51. (Corresponding author) [IF:3.674]
126. Chen MK, Chen CM, Lee MC, Chen LS, Chen HC. Primary tumor volume is an independent predictor of outcome within pT4a-staged tongue carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011 May;18(5):1447-52. [IF:4.166]
127. Zavras AI, Yoon AJ, Chen MK, Lin CW, Yang SF. Metallothionein-1 genotypes in the risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011 May;18(5):1478-83. [IF:4.166]
128. Lee KW, Tsai YS, Chiang FY, Huang JL, Ho KY, Yang YH, Kuo WR, Chen MK, Lin CS. Lower ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) mRNA expression is correlated with poor outcome of laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer patients. Ann Oncol. 2011 May;22(5):1088-93. [IF:6.425]
129. Weng CJ, Lin CW, Chung TT, Tsai CM, Chen MK*, Yang SF. Impact of uPA system gene polymorphisms on the susceptibility of environmental factors to carcinogenesis and the development of clinicopathology of oral cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011 Mar;18(3):805-12. (Corresponding author) [IF:4.166]
130. Chiang TY, Chen MK*. Endoscope-assisted transoral excision of a huge parapharyngeal pleomorphic adenoma. B-ENT. 2011 Feb ;7:143-146. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.504]
131. J.C. Lai, H.S. Lee, Chen MK*, Y.L. Tsai. Patient satisfaction and treatment outcome of fungus ball rhinosinusitis treated by functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2011 Feb;268(2):227-30. (Corresponding author) [IF:1.287]
132. Weng CJ, Tsai CM, Chen YC, Hsieh YH, Lin CW, Liu YF, Su SC, Chen MK, Yang SF. Evaluation of the association of urokinase plasminogen activator system gene polymorphisms with susceptibility and pathological development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010 Dec;17(12):3394-401. [IF:4.182]
133. J.T. Lin, M.K. Chen, K.T.Yeh, et al. Association of high levels of Jagged-1 and Notch-1 expression with poor prognosis in head and neck cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010 Nov;17(11):2976-83. [IF:4.182]
134. Weng CJ, Chien MH, Lin CW, Chung TT, Zavras AI, Tsai CM, Chen MK*, Yang SF. Effect of CC chemokine ligand 5 and CC chemokine receptor 5 genes polymorphisms on the risk and clinicopathological development of oral cancer. Oral Oncol. 2010 Oct;46(10):767-72. [IF:2.871]
135. Lai JC1, Liu CK, Chen ML, Chen MK*. Removal of frontal sinus keratoma solely via endoscopic sinus surgery. J Laryngol Otol. 2010 Oct;124(10):1116-9. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.697]
136. Kao CC, Chen MK, Kuo WH, Chen TY, Su SC, Hsieh YH, Liu CL, Chou MC, Tsai HT, Yang SF. Influence of glutathione-S-transferase theta (GSTT1) and micro (GSTM1) gene polymorphisms on the susceptibility of hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan. J Surg Oncol. 2010 Sep 15;102(4):301-7. [IF:2.428]
137. Yang SF, Chen MK, Hsieh YS, Chung TT, Hsieh YH, Lin CW, Su JL, Tsai MH, Tang CH. Prostaglandin E2/EP1 signaling pathway enhances intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expression and cell motility in oral cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 2010 Sep 24;285(39):29808-16. [IF:5.328]
138. Chen MK, Tsai HT, Chung TT, Su SC, Kao TY, Tseng HC, Liu TH, Chiou HL, Yang SF. Glutathione S-transferase P1 and alpha gene variants; role in susceptibility and tumor size development of oral cancer. Head Neck. 2010 Aug;32(8):1079-87. [IF:2.182]
139. Hsiao PC, Chen MK, Su SC, Ueng KC, Chen YC, Hsieh YH, Liu YF, Tsai HT, Yang SF. Hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha gene polymorphism G1790A and its interaction with tobacco and alcohol consumptions increase susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma. J Surg Oncol. 2010 Aug 1;102(2):163-9. [IF:2.428]
140. Weng CJ, Hsieh YH, Tsai CM, Chu YH, Ueng KC, Liu YF, Yeh YH, Su SC, Chen YC, Chen MK*, Yang SF. Relationship of insulin-like growth factors system gene polymorphisms with the susceptibility and pathological development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010 Jul;17(7):1808-15. (Corresponding author) [IF:4.182]
141. Yang SF, Chen MK, Hsieh YS, Yang JS, Zavras AI, Hsieh YH, Su SC, Kao TY, Chen PN, Chu SC. Antimetastatic effects of Terminalia catappa L. on oral cancer via a down-regulation of metastasis-associated proteases. Food Chem Toxicol. 2010 Apr;48(4):1052-8. (Equal first author) [IF:2.602]
142. Fan JY, Chen LS, Lai JC, Chen MK*, Chen HC. A pre-paid newborn hearing screening programme: a community-based study. B-ENT. 2010 Apr;6:265-269. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.202]
143. Chen MK, Yang SF, Lai JC, Yeh KT, Yang JS, Chen LS, Chen HC. Expression of bcl-2 correlates with poor prognosis and modulates migration of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Clin Chim Acta. 2010 Mar;411(5-6):400-5. [IF:2.389]
144. Chen MK, Chiou HL, Su SC, Chung TT, Tseng HC, Tsai HT, Yang SF. The association between hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha gene polymorphisms and increased susceptibility to oral cancer. Oral Oncol. 2009 Dec;45(12):e222-6. [IF:3.123]
145. Yi YC1, Chen MK, Chen LY, Ho ES, Ying TH, Wang PH, Yang SF. Genetic polymorphism of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 is associated with an increased risk of endometrial cancer. Clin Chim Acta. 2009 Nov;409(1-2):127-31. [IF:2.535]
146. Chen CM, Tsai YL, Chang CC, Chen HC, Chen MK*. Is planned surgery important in sinonasal inverted papilloma? B-ENT. 2009 Apr;5:225-231. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.266]
147. Chen CM, Fan JY, Chen WL, Chen MK*. Lethal sphenoid fungal sinusitis in an immunocompromised elderly patient. B-ENT. 2009 Mar;5:173-177. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.266]
148. Tsai YL, Su CC, Lee HS, Chen HC, Chen MK*. Symptoms treatment for allergic rhinitis using diode laser: results after 6-year follow-up. Lasers Med Sci. 2009 Mar;24(2):230-3. (Corresponding author) [IF:2.574]
149. Weng CT, Chu PY, Liu MT, Chen MK*. Small cell carcinoma of the head and neck - a single institution’s experience and a review of the literature. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Dec;37(6):788-93. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.758]
150. Wu CL, Tsao LY, Yang AD, Chen MK*. Endoscopic surgery for nasal glioma mimicking encephalocele in infancy. Skull Base Surgery. 2008 Nov;18(6):401-4. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.121]
151. Chen MK, Lai JC, Chang CC, Chang JH, Chang YJ, Chen HC. Prognostic impact of bcl-2 expression on advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Head Neck. 2008 Aug;30(8):1052-7. [IF:2.603]
152. Chiang TY, Chen MK*. Organized hematoma of maxillary sinus mimicking malignant neoplasm in a patient following chemoradiotherapy. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Apr;37(2):E42-5. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.758]
153. Wu IS, Ho TL, Chang CC, Lee HS, Chen MK*. Value of lateral neck radiography for ingested foreign bodies using the likelihood ratio. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Apr;37:292-296. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.758]
154. Chen MK, Chang CC. Minimally invasive endoscope-assisted parotidectomy: a new approach. Laryngoscope. 2007 Nov;117(11):1934-7. [IF:1.801]
155. Chen MK, Lai JC, Chang CC, Liu MT. Minimally invasive endoscopic nasopharyngectomy in the treatment of recurrent T1-2a nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Laryngoscope. 2007 May;117(5):894-6. [IF:1.801]
156. Chen MK, Tsai YL, Lee KW, Chang CC. Strictly endoscopic and harmonic scalpel-assisted surgery of nasopharyngeal angiofibromas: eligible for advanced stage tumors. Acta Otolaryngol. 2006 Dec;126(12):1321-5. [IF:0.738]
157. Chen MK, Su CC, Tsai YL, Chang CC. Minimally invasive endoscopic resection of the submandibular gland: a new approach. Head Neck. 2006 Nov;28(11):1014-7. [IF:1.961]
158. Chen MK*. Minimally invasive endoscopic resection of sinonasal malignancies and skull base surgery. Acta Otolaryngol. 2006 Sep;126(9):981-6. [IF:0.738]
159. Tsai YL, Chang CC, Lee HS, Chen MK*. Outcome survey of therapy with diode laser in patients with allergic rhinitis. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005 Feb;34(1):38-40. [IF:0.054]
160. Chen MK, Lee HS, Chang JH, Chang CC. Expression of p53 protein and primary tumour volume in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004 Oct;33(5):304-7. [IF:0.054]
161. Chen MK, Lee HS, Chang CC. Primary tumour volume: important predictor of outcome for T3- and T4-staged nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004 Aug;33(4):254-7. [IF:0.054]
162. Chen MK, Chen TH, Liu JP, Chang CC, Chie WC. Better prediction of prognosis for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma using primary tumor volume. Cancer. 2004 May 15;100(10):2160-6. [IF:4.434]
163. Chang CC, Chen MK, Wu HK, Liu MT. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma volume measurements determined with computed tomography: study of intraobserver and interobserver variability. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2002 Dec;31(6):361-5. [IF:0.054]
164. Chang CC, Chen MK, Liu MT, Wu HK. The effect of primary tumor volumes in advanced T-staged nasopharyngeal tumors. Head Neck. 2002 Oct;24(10):940-6. [IF:1.720]
165. Chang CC, Chen MK, Liu MT, Wen YS, Wu HK, Chang TH, Wu LJ, Lin SY, Lin JP. Primary tumour volume delineation in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and correlation with 1997 AJCC tumour stage classification. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2001 Aug;30(4):231-4. [IF:0.054]
166. Chang CC, Chen MK*. Canal-wall-down tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy for advanced cholesteatoma. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000 Oct;29(5):270-3. (Corresponding author) [IF:0.054]
167. Chen MK, Wen YS, Chang CC, Lee HS, Huang MT, Hsiao HC. Deep neck infections in diabetic patients. Am J Otolaryngol. 2000 May-Jun;21(3):169-73. [IF:0.452]
168. Chang CC, Chen MK, Wen YS, Lee HS, Wu HK, Liu MT. Effects of radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma on the paranasal sinuses: study based on computed tomography scanning. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000 Feb;29(1):23-7. [IF:0.054]
169. Chen MK, Wen YS, Chang CC, Huang MT, Hsiao HC. Predisposing factors of life-threatening deep neck infection: logistic regression analysis of 214 cases. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998 Jun;27(3):141-4. [IF:0.054]
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加拿大McMaster大學進修PBL教學 2003
中國醫藥學院醫務管理研究所碩士班畢業 2003
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耳部:外、中耳炎,小兒中耳炎 、中耳積液及內耳疾病﹝暈眩等﹞ 之治療與手術
鼻內視鏡手術, 包括:鼻竇炎及息肉、淚溢、腦脊髓液漏等之手術治療、眼窩及視神經減壓術、內視鏡顱底手術。
中耳及內耳手術, 包括:耳膜修補膽脂瘤手術顏面神經減 壓術及梅尼爾氏症手術。
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耳 部:外耳炎、中耳炎、聽力障礙、中耳炎手術
咽喉部:急性咽炎及扁桃腺炎、口腔潰瘍及口腔炎、慢性咽喉炎、咽喉異物、聲音沙啞 、打鼾
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現任鹿港基督教醫院 兼任主治醫師
現任草屯佑民醫院 兼任主治醫師
現任彰化基督教醫院耳鼻喉暨頭頸部頭頸癌科 主任

台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會 會員
台灣頭頸部腫瘤醫學會 理事


1. Sequence analysis of VP1 and VP7 genes suggests occurrence of a reassortant of G2 rotavirus responsible for an epidemic of gastroenteritis. Zao CL, Yu WN, Kao CL, Taniguchi K, Lee CY, Lee CN. J Gen Virol. 1999 Jun;80 ( Pt 6):1407-15.
2. Pharyngeal Entomophthoromycosis- case report, Yu WN, Chen ZR, Chen ZM, 85th Taiwan Otolaryngology Society Conference 3. Neurocardiogenic Syncope and Head Up Tilt Table Testing, Yu WN, Chen HF, Lai RZ, Chen MK , 86th Taiwan Otolaryngology Society Conference 4. Pharyngeal entomophthoromycosis. Yu WN, Chen CJ, Chen CM. J Chin Med Assoc. 2014 Jun;77(6):337-40.
5. Epidermal cyst of the bony external auditory canal. Yu WN, Fu SC, Lai JC. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2013 Apr;29(4):237-8.
6. Robotic assisted surgery for Head & Neck tumor, 99th Taiwan Otolaryngology Society Conference
許慶輝 耳鼻喉暨頭頸部 耳鼻喉科 主治醫師
蔡昌益 耳鼻喉暨頭頸部 耳鼻喉科 主治醫師




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