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第四屆國際基因體醫學(臨床遺傳學及胎兒醫學新境界)研討會 發表日期: 2008/2/14 下午 12:25:13
Dear Distinguished Friends, Teachers, and Colleagues:

We are extremely proud to announce the 4th Changhua Christian Hospital International Symposium of Genomic Medicine: New Frontiers in Clinical Genetics and Fetal Medicine will be held at 15-16, Nov, 2008 at Changhua, Taiwan.

We are grateful to the mercy and grace from our Lord to give us this opportunity to organize this symposium to celebrate our hospital to pass the fierce hospital accreditation again at 2007 being classified as “Medical Center” for the consecutive three times since 2000, as well as to celebrate our 112 anniversary. More than one hundred years ago, Dr. David Landsborough of Scotland came to Taiwan as a medical missionary appointed by the English Presbyterian Church and introduced modern western medical services and Christianity faith into this region, the central part of Taiwan (or Formosa, by the old European name).

This symposium had been held for three times in our hospital at 2003, 2004, and 2007, with big success and had fulfilled the goals to facilitate exchange of scientific ideas and enhanced mutual understanding between the workers and researchers of medical genetics and genomic science from local and international backgrounds. Now we are pleased to announce its 4th event will be held at this November, with the focus at clinical genetics and fetal medicine, the two most practical aspects of genomic medicine. Quite a few leading geneticists had agreed on to participate. It is our great honour to have you here to be our distinguished speakers, session chairs or moderators. We believe this coming event will be extremely helpful to the academics not only to the local environment, but also to every participant as well.

Here we attach the preliminary programme of the symposium for your kind reference. Changhua is an old town with key position to the western part of Taiwan and is very close to the Taichung station of Taiwan High Speed Rail. The nearby historic town Lu-Kang has rich history, culture, and featured architectures. Besides, quite a few scenic spots are located near-by, such as the Sun Moon Lake and the Ho-Huan Mountain. We hope you join our event, enjoy our friendship and hospitality; and the most important, to provide us your invaluable knowledge and experiences so we can have a model to learn from. We are also confidant you will like this part of Taiwan.

Dr. Chin-San Liu (Vice Superintendent, CCH) on behalf of Dr. Shou-Jen Kuo (Superintendent, CCH)

4th International Symposium on Genomic Medicine:
New Frontiers of Clinical Genetics and Fetal Medicine
一、地點:彰化基督教醫院教學研究大樓12 樓蘭大衛國際會議廳
二、時間:97 年11 月(97 年下半年)
三、大會主席: 郭守仁醫師(彰基院長)
四、會議主持人: 劉青山醫師(彰基副院長) E-mail: 26602@cch.org.tw
陳明醫師(彰基基因醫學部主任) E-mail: 104060@cch.org.tw
五、會場主持人: 周少華醫師(彰基精神科主治醫師研究部研究員)
六、聯絡人:TEL:(04)7225121 轉2323 聯絡人:郭思亞小姐、陳黎雯小姐
Congress President
S.J.Kuo (Superintendent, Changhua Christian Hospital) 彰基院長
Congress Honourary President
Y.T. Chen (Academia Sinica) 中研院院士人類遺傳學會理事長
Congress Vice Presidents
C.S.Liu (Vice Superintendent, Changhua Christian Hospital) 彰基副院長
C.N.Lee (Taiwan Society of Perinatology) 中華民國週產期醫學會理事長
H.D.Tsai (Taiwan Assoc Obstet Gynecol) 台灣婦產科醫學會理事長
B.W.Soong (Taiwan Neurology Society) 台灣神經學學會理事
Congress Secretary-General
M. Chen (Head, Medical Genetics, Changhua Christian Hospital)
Scientific Committee
Chairpersons: J.D.Liou (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan) 台北長庚
T.Y.Hsu (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan) 高雄長庚
P.L.Kuo (National Cheng-Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan) 成大
C.P. Chen (Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan) 馬偕
Members: J.W.Hou (CGMH) M.Chen (CCH) Y.N.Su (NTUH)
C.S.Liu (CCH) J.C.Shih (NTUH) T.H.Lee (CSMUH)
B.T.Wang (Quest Diagnostics, USA)
M.S.Tsai (CGH) K.S.Huang (TSGH)
Advisory Boards: A.D.Cameron (UK) D.E.Wilcox (UK) B.W.Soong (Taipei VGH)
Y.H.Wei (Natl Yang-Ming U) T.H.Bui (Sweden)
T.K.Lau (Hong Kong) W.L.Hwu (NTUH)
Y.T.Chen (Academia Sinica) C.C.Lin (CMUH)
F.J.Tsai (CMUH) T.M.Ko (Genephile Lab) Chris Tsai (Babybanks Co. Ltd.)
Local Organizing Committee
主要負責人: 劉青山副院長基因醫學部陳明主任
敬邀: 研究顧問沈銘鏡教授研究部陳達人主任婦產部蔡鴻德主任檢驗醫學科林正修主任

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