彰化基督教醫院 全方位乳房腫瘤中心



陳守棟 主治醫師


1.美國紐約Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center癌症中心短期進修
3.法國巴黎Breast Oncoplastic Masterclass乳房腫瘤整形專家訓練課程
4.美國University of Pittsburgh匹茲堡大學醫學中心短期進修
5.美國紐約大學醫學院附設醫院New York University (NYU)短期進修

1.台灣外科醫學會 外科專科醫師
2.台灣乳房醫學會 乳房專科醫師
3.台灣臨床腫瘤醫學會 臨床腫瘤專科醫師
4.中華民國癌症醫學會 腫瘤外科專科醫師
5.中華民國醫用超音波學會 超音波專業醫師
6.台灣內視鏡外科醫學會 內視鏡外科專科醫師
7.台灣消化系外科醫學會 消化系外科專科醫師
8.中華民國癌症醫學會 腫瘤外科專科醫師訓練指導醫師

1.Lai HW, Tseng LM, Chang TW, Kuo YL, Hsieh CM, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Su CC, Chen DR. The prognostic significance of metaplastic carcinoma of the breast (MCB) – A case controlled comparison study with infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Breast 2013 Jun 17. (SCI)

2.Tseng HS, Lin C, Chan SE, Chien SY, Kuo SJ, Chen ST, Chang TW, Chen DR. Pure mucinous carcinoma of the breast: clinicopathologic characteristics and long-term outcome among Taiwanese women. World J Surg Oncol 2013 Jun 14;11:139. (SCI)

3.Chen ST, Chen DR, Fang JP, Lin PH. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin modulates estradiol-induced aldehydic DNA lesions in human breast cancer cells through alteration of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 expression. Breast Cancer 2013 May 23. (SCI)

4.French JD, Ghoussaini M, Edwards SL, Meyer KB, Michailidou K, Ahmed S, Khan S, Maranian MJ, O'Reilly M, Hillman KM, Betts JA, Carroll T, Bailey PJ, Dicks E, Beesley J, Tyrer J, Maia AT, Beck A, Knoblauch NW, Chen C, Kraft P, Barnes D, Gonzalez-Neira A, Alonso MR, Herrero D, Tessier DC, Vincent D, Bacot F, Luccarini C, Baynes C, Conroy D, Dennis J, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Schmidt MK, Broeks A, Verhoef S, Cornelissen S, Muir K, Lophatananon A, Stewart-Brown S, Siriwanarangsan P, Fasching PA, Loehberg CR, Ekici AB, Beckmann MW, Peto J, dos Santos Silva I, Johnson N, Aitken Z, Sawyer EJ, Tomlinson I, Kerin MJ, Miller N, Marme F, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Burwinkel B, Guenel P, Truong T, Laurent-Puig P, Menegaux F, Bojesen SE, Nordestgaard BG, Nielsen SF, Flyger H, Milne RL, Zamora MP, Arias Perez JI, Benitez J, Anton-Culver H, Brenner H, Muller H, Arndt V, Stegmaier C, Meindl A, Lichtner P, Schmutzler RK, Engel C, Brauch H, Hamann U, Justenhoven C; GENICA Network, Aaltonen K, Heikkila P, Aittomaki K, Blomqvist C, Matsuo K, Ito H, Iwata H, Sueta A, Bogdanova NV, Antonenkova NN, Dork T, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Kataja V, Kosma VM, Hartikainen JM; kConFab Investigators, Wu AH, Tseng CC, Van Den Berg D, Stram DO, Lambrechts D, Peeters S, Smeets A, Floris G, Chang-Claude J, Rudolph A, Nickels S, Flesch-Janys D, Radice P, Peterlongo P, Bonanni B, Sardella D, Couch FJ, Wang X, Pankratz VS, Lee A, Giles GG, Severi G, Baglietto L, Haiman CA, Henderson BE, Schumacher F, Le Marchand L, Simard J, Goldberg MS, Labreche F, Dumont M, Teo SH, Yip CH, Ng CH, Vithana EN, Kristensen V, Zheng W, Deming-Halverson S, Shrubsole M, Long J, Winqvist R, Pylkas K, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Grip M, Andrulis IL, Knight JA, Glendon G, Mulligan AM, Devilee P, Seynaeve C, Garcia-Closas M, Figueroa J, Chanock SJ, Lissowska J, Czene K, Klevebring D, Schoof N, Hooning MJ, Martens JW, Collee JM, Tilanus-Linthorst M, Hall P, Li J, Liu J, Humphreys K, Shu XO, Lu W, Gao YT, Cai H, Cox A, Balasubramanian SP, Blot W, Signorello LB, Cai Q, Pharoah PD, Healey CS, Shah M, Pooley KA, Kang D, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Hartman M, Miao H, Sng JH, Sim X, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska-Bieniek K, Durda K, Sangrajrang S, Gaborieau V, McKay J, Toland AE, Ambrosone CB, Yannoukakos D, Godwin AK, Shen CY, Hsiung CN, Wu PE, Chen ST, Swerdlow A, Ashworth A, Orr N, Schoemaker MJ, Ponder BA, Nevanlinna H, Brown MA, Chenevix-Trench G, Easton DF, Dunning AM. Functional variants at the 11q13 risk locus for breast cancer regulate cyclin D1 expression through long-range enhancers. Am J Hum Genet 2013 Apr 4;92(4):489-503. (SCI)

5.Lai HW, Wu HK, Kuo SJ, Chen ST, Tseng HS, Tseng LM, Chen DR. Differences in accuracy and underestimation rates for 14- versus 16-gauge core needle biopsies in ultrasound-detectable breast lesions. Asian J Surg 2013 Apr;36(2):83-8. (SCI)

6.Hein R, Flesch-Janys D, Dahmen N, Beckmann L, Lindstrom S, Schoof N, Czene K, Mittelstras K, Illig T, Seibold P, Behrens S, Humphreys K, Li J, Liu J, Olson JE, Wang X, Hankinson SE, Truong T, Menegaux F, Dos Santos Silva I, Johnson N; GENICA Network, Chen ST, Yu JC, Ziogas A, Kataja V, Kosma VM, Mannermaa A, Anton-Culver H, Shen CY, Brauch H, Peto J, Guenel P, Kraft P, Couch FJ, Easton DF, Hall P, Chang-Claude J. A genome-wide association study to identify genetic susceptibility loci that modify ductal and lobular postmenopausal breast cancer risk associated with menopausal hormone therapy use: a two-stage design with replication. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2013 Apr;138(2):529-42.

7.Liao SF, Li SH, Huang HY, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Chen DR, Wei TS. The efficacy of complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP) and predictive factors of lymphedema severity and response to CDP in breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL). Breast 2013 Jan 12. (SCI)

8.Chen ST, Lin CC, Liu YS, Lin C, Hung PT, Jao CW, Lin PH. Airborne particulate collected from central Taiwan induces DNA strand breaks, Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 activation, and estrogen-disrupting activity in human breast carcinoma cell lines. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng 2013;48(2):173-81. (SCI)

9.Lo LC, Chen CY, Chen ST, Chen HC, Lee TC, Chang CS. Therapeutic efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, Shen-Mai San, in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy: study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Trials 2012 Dec 3;13(1):232. (SCI)

10.Lin CC, Lin PY, Ko CJ, Chen YL, Chen ST, Kuo SJ. Hepatic resection for bilateral hepatolithiasis: a 20-year experience. ANZ J Surg 2012 Sep 26. (SCI)

11.Yang LH, Tseng HS, Lin C, Chen LS, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Chen DR. Survival benefit of tamoxifen in estrogen receptor-negative and progesterone receptor-positive low grade breast cancer patients. J Breast Cancer 2012 Sep;15(3):288-95. (SCI)

12.Tseng HS, Wu HK, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Huang YL, Chen DR. Speckle reduction imaging of breast ultrasound does not improve the diagnostic performance of morphology-based CAD System. J Clin Ultrasound 2012 Jan;40(1):1-6. (SCI)

13.Lin C, Chien SY, Kuo SJ, Chen LS, Chen ST, Lai HW, Chang TW, Chen DR. A 10-year Follow-up of Triple-negative Breast Cancer Patients in Taiwan. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2012 Jan 27. (SCI)

14.Yu JC, Hsiung CN, Hsu HM, Bao BY, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Chou WC, Hu LY, Ding SL, Cheng CW, Wu PE, Shen CY. Genetic variation in the genome-wide predicted estrogen response element-related sequences is associated with breast cancer development. Breast Cancer Research 2011 Jan 31;13(1):R13. (SCI)

15.Yang XR, Chang-Claude J, Goode EL, Couch FJ, Nevanlinna H, Milne RL, Gaudet M, Schmidt MK, Broeks A, Cox A, Fasching PA, Hein R, Spurdle AB, Blows F, Driver K, Flesch-Janys D, Heinz J, Sinn P, Vrieling A, Heikkinen T, Aittomaki K, Heikkila P, Blomqvist C, Lissowska J, Peplonska B, Chanock S, Figueroa J, Brinton L, Hall P, Czene K, Humphreys K, Darabi H, Liu J, Van 't Veer LJ, van Leeuwen FE, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Knight JA, Mulligan AM, O'Malley FP, Weerasooriya N, John EM, Beckmann MW, Hartmann A, Weihbrecht SB, Wachter DL, Jud SM, Loehberg CR, Baglietto L, English DR, Giles GG, McLean CA, Severi G, Lambrechts D, Vandorpe T, Weltens C, Paridaens R, Smeets A, Neven P, Wildiers H, Wang X, Olson JE, Cafourek V, Fredericksen Z, Kosel M, Vachon C, Cramp HE, Connley D, Cross SS, Balasubramanian SP, Reed MW, Dork T, Bremer M, Meyer A, Karstens JH, Ay A, Park-Simon TW, Hillemanns P, Arias Perez JI, Menendez Rodriguez P, Zamora P, Benitez J, Ko YD, Fischer HP, Hamann U, Pesch B, Bruning T, Justenhoven C, Brauch H, Eccles DM, Tapper WJ, Gerty SM, Sawyer EJ, Tomlinson IP, Jones A, Kerin M, Miller N, McInerney N, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Shen CY, Hsiung CN, Wu PE, Yang SL, Yu JC, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Haiman CA, Henderson BE, Le Marchand L, Kolonel LN, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Gorski B, Gronwald J, Hooning MJ, Hollestelle A, van den Ouweland AM, Jager A, Kriege M, Tilanus-Linthorst MM, Collee M, Wang-Gohrke S, Pylkas K, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Mononen K, Grip M, Hirvikoski P, Winqvist R, Mannermaa A, Kosma VM, Kauppinen J, Kataja V, Auvinen P, Soini Y, Sironen R, Bojesen SE, Orsted DD, Kaur-Knudsen D, Flyger H, Nordestgaard BG, Holland H, Chenevix-Trench G, Manoukian S, Barile M, Radice P, Hankinson SE, Hunter DJ, Tamimi R, Sangrajrang S, Brennan P, McKay J, Odefrey F, Gaborieau V, Devilee P, Huijts PE, Tollenaar RA, Seynaeve C, Dite GS, Apicella C, Hopper JL, Hammet F, Tsimiklis H, Smith LD, Southey MC, Humphreys MK, Easton D, Pharoah P, Sherman ME, Garcia-Closas M. Associations of breast cancer risk factors with tumor subtypes: a pooled analysis from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium studies. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2011 Feb 2;103(3):250-63. (SCI)

16.Lu YS, Chen DR, Tseng LM, Yeh DC, Chen ST, Hsieh CM, Wang HC, Yeh HT, Kuo SH, Huang CS. Phase II study of docetaxel, capecitabine, and cisplatin as neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2011 Jun;67(6):1257-63. (SCI)

17.Lai HW, Kuo SJ, Chen LS, Chi CW, Chen ST, Chang TW, Chen DR. Prognostic significance of triple negative breast cancer at tumor size 1 cm and smaller. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2011 Jan;37(1):18-24. (SCI)

18.Chen ST, Lai HW, Tseng HS, Chen LS, Kuo SJ, Chen DR. Correlation of Histologic Grade With Other Clinicopathological Parameters, Intrinsic Subtype, and Patients' Clinical Outcome in Taiwanese Women. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2011 Nov 8;41(12):1327-35. (SCI)

19.Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Wu HK, Chen LS, Chen DR. Power Doppler breast ultrasound: association of vascularization and ER/c-erbB-2 co-expression in invasive breast carcinoma. Breast Cancer 2011 Nov 29. (SCI)

20.Chen DR, Chen ST, Wang TW, Tsai CH, Wei HH, Chen GJ, Yang TC, Lin C, Lin PH. Characterization of estrogen quinone-derived protein adducts and their identification in human serum albumin derived from breast cancer patients and healthy controls. Toxicolgy Letters 2011 May 10;202(3):244-52. (SCI)

21.Broeks A, Schmidt MK, Sherman ME, Couch FJ, Hopper JL, Dite GS, Apicella C, Smith LD, Hammet F, Southey MC, Van 't Veer LJ, de Groot R, Smit VT, Fasching PA, Beckmann MW, Jud S, Ekici AB, Hartmann A, Hein A, Schulz-Wendtland R, Burwinkel B, Marme F, Schneeweiss A, Sinn HP, Sohn C, Tchatchou S, Bojesen SE, Nordestgaard BG, Flyger H, Orsted DD, Kaur-Knudsen D, Milne RL, Perez JI, Zamora P, Rodriguez PM, Benitez J, Brauch H, Justenhoven C, Ko YD, Hamann U, Fischer HP, Bruning T, Pesch B, Chang-Claude J, Wang-Gohrke S, Bremer M, Karstens JH, Hillemanns P, Dork T, Nevanlinna HA, Heikkinen T, Heikkila P, Blomqvist C, Aittomaki K, Aaltonen K, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Kosma VM, Kauppinen JM, Kataja V, Auvinen P, Eskelinen M, Soini Y, Chenevix-Trench G, Spurdle AB, Beesley J, Chen X, Holland H, Lambrechts D, Claes B, Vandorpe T, Neven P, Wildiers H, Flesch-Janys D, Hein R, Loning T, Kosel M, Fredericksen ZS, Wang X, Giles GG, Baglietto L, Severi G, McLean C, Haiman CA, Henderson BE, Le Marchand L, Kolonel LN, Alnaes GG, Kristensen V, Borresen-Dale AL, Hunter DJ, Hankinson SE, Andrulis IL, Mulligan AM, O'Malley FP, Devilee P, Huijts PE, Tollenaar RA, Van Asperen CJ, Seynaeve CS, Chanock SJ, Lissowska J, Brinton L, Peplonska B, Figueroa J, Yang XR, Hooning MJ, Hollestelle A, Oldenburg RA, Jager A, Kriege M, Ozturk B, van Leenders GJ, Hall P, Czene K, Humphreys K, Liu J, Cox A, Connley D, Cramp HE, Cross SS, Balasubramanian SP, Reed MW, Dunning AM, Easton DF, Humphreys MK, Caldas C, Blows F, Driver K, Provenzano E, Lubinski J, Jakubowska A, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Cybulski C, Gorski B, Gronwald J, Brennan P, Sangrajrang S, Gaborieau V, Shen CY, Hsiung CN, Yu JC, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Hou MF, Huang CS, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Pharoah PD, Garcia-Closas M. Low penetrance breast cancer susceptibility loci are associated with specific breast tumor subtypes: findings from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Human Molecular Genetics 2011 Aug 15;20(16):3289-303. (SCI)

22.#Lin C, #Chen ST, Chien SY, Kuo SJ, Chen DR. Use of high-dose nandrolone aggravates septic shock in a mouse model. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 2011 Jun;27(6):222-9. (SCI)

23.#Chang HC, #Chen ST, Chien SY, Kuo SJ, Tsai HT, Chen DR. Capsaicin may induce breast cancer cell death through apoptosis-inducing factor involving mitochondrial dysfunction. Human & Experimental Toxicology 2011 Oct;30(10):1657-65. (SCI)

24.Ming-Shiean H, Yu JC, Wang HW, Chen ST, Hsiung CN, Ding SL, Wu PE, Shen CY, Cheng CW. Synergistic effects of polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and endogenous estrogen exposure on female breast cancer risk. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2010 Mar;17(3):760-71. (SCI)

25.Kuo SJ, Chen M, Ma GC, Chen ST, Chang SP, Lin WY, Chen YC, Lee TH, Lin TT, Liu CS. Number of somatic mutations in the mitochondrial D-loop region indicates poor prognosis in breast cancer, independent of TP53 mutation. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 2010 Sep;201(2):94-101. (SCI)

26.Hsieh CS, Chen YL, Lee MH, Chang HC, Chen ST, Kuo SJ. A lower costly laparoscopic appendectomy: our experience of more than 2000 cases. International Journal of Surgery 2010;8(2):140-3. (SCI)

27.Ding SL, Yu JC, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Hsu HM, Ho JY, Lin YH, Chang CC, Fann CS, Cheng CW, Wu PE, Shen CY. Diverse associations between ESR1 polymorphism and breast cancer development and progression. Clinical Cancer Research 2010 Jul 1;16(13):3473-84. (SCI)

28.Liao SF, Lee YF, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Liang WC, Wei TS, Liu MT. Incidence and Risk Factors Analysis of Lymphedema Secondary to Breast Cancer. Taiwan J Phy Med Rehabil (臺灣復健醫學雜誌) 2009;37(4):217-25.

29.Yu JC, Ding SL, Chang CH, Kuo SH, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Hsu HM, Hou MF, Jung LY, Cheng CW, Wu PE, Shen CY. Genetic susceptibility to the development and progression of breast cancer associated with polymorphism of cell cycle and ubiquitin ligase genes. Carcinogenesis 2009 Sep;30(9):1562-70. (SCI)

30.Tseng HS, Chen YL, Chen ST, Wu YC, Kuo SJ, Chen LS, Wu HK, Chen DR. The management of papillary lesion of the breast by core needle biopsy. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2009 Jul 17;35(1):21-4. (SCI)

31.Lin CH, Huang CL, Chuang MC, Wang YJ, Chen DR, Chen ST, *Lin PH. Protective role of estrogen receptor-alpha on lower chlorinated PCB congener-induced DNA damage and repair in human tumoral breast cells. Toxicology Letters 2009 Jul 10;188(1):11-9. (SCI)

32.Hsiao YH, Huang YL, Kuo SJ, Liang WM, Chen ST, Chen DR. Characterization of benign and malignant solid breast masses in harmonic 3D power Doppler imaging. European Journal of Radiology 2009 Jul;71(1):89-95. (SCI)

33.Ding SL, Yu JC, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Kuo SJ, Lin YH, Wu PE, Shen CY. Genetic variants of BLM interact with RAD51 to increase breast cancer susceptibility. Carcinogenesis 2009 Jan;30(1):43-9. (SCI)

34.Chen ST, Hsiao YH, Huang YL, Kuo SJ, Tseng HS, Wu HK, Chen DR. Comparative analysis of logistic regression, support vector machine and artificial neural network for the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant solid breast tumors by the use of three-dimensional power Doppler imaging. Korean Journal of Radiology 2009 Sep-Oct;10(5):464-71. (SCI)

35.Ahmed S, Thomas G, Ghoussaini M, Healey CS, Humphreys MK, Platte R, Morrison J, Maranian M, Pooley KA, Luben R, Eccles D, Evans DG, Fletcher O, Johnson N, dos Santos Silva I, Peto J, Stratton MR, Rahman N, Jacobs K, Prentice R, Anderson GL, Rajkovic A, Curb JD, Ziegler RG, Berg CD, Buys SS, McCarty CA, Feigelson HS, Calle EE, Thun MJ, Diver WR, Bojesen S, Nordestgaard BG, Flyger H, Dork T, Schurmann P, Hillemanns P, Karstens JH, Bogdanova NV, Antonenkova NN, Zalutsky IV, Bermisheva M, Fedorova S, Khusnutdinova E, Kang D, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Ahn SH, Devilee P, van Asperen CJ, Tollenaar RA, Seynaeve C, Garcia-Closas M, Lissowska J, Brinton L, Peplonska B, Nevanlinna H, Heikkinen T, Aittomaki K, Blomqvist C, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Smith L, Spurdle AB, Schmidt MK, Broeks A, van Hien RR, Cornelissen S, Milne RL, Ribas G, Gonzalez-Neira A, Benitez J, Schmutzler RK, Burwinkel B, Bartram CR, Meindl A, Brauch H, Justenhoven C, Hamann U, Chang-Claude J, Hein R, Wang-Gohrke S, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Kosma VM, Kataja V, Olson JE, Wang X, Fredericksen Z, Giles GG, Severi G, Baglietto L, English DR, Hankinson SE, Cox DG, Kraft P, Vatten LJ, Hveem K, Kumle M, Sigurdson A, Doody M, Bhatti P, Alexander BH, Hooning MJ, van den Ouweland AM, Oldenburg RA, Schutte M, Hall P, Czene K, Liu J, Li Y, Cox A, Elliott G, Brock I, Reed MW, Shen CY, Yu JC, Hsu GC, Chen ST, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Andrulis IL, Knight JA, Beesley J, Goode EL, Couch F, Chenevix-Trench G, Hoover RN, Ponder BA, Hunter DJ, Pharoah PD, Dunning AM, Chanock SJ, Easton DF. Newly discovered breast cancer susceptibility loci on 3p24 and 17q23.2. Nature Genetics 2009 May;41(5):585-90. (SCI)

36.Chen YL, Talbot AR, Chang HC, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Fang HY. Limited hepatic resection by laparoscopy-assisted mini-laparotomy for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients. International Surgery 2008 May-Jun;93(3):127-32. (SCI)

37.Lo YL, Yu JC, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Mau YC, Yang SL, Wu PE, Shen CY. Breast cancer risk associated with genotypic polymorphism of the mitotic checkpoint genes: a multigenic study on cancer susceptibility. Carcinogenesis 2007 May;28(5):1079-86. (SCI)

38.Ding SL, Yu JC, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Shen CY. Genetic variation in the premature aging gene WRN: a case-control study on breast cancer susceptibility. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2007 Feb;16(2):263-9. (SCI)

39.Yu JC, Hsu HM, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Huang CS, Hou MF, Fu YP, Cheng TC, Wu PE, Shen CY. Breast cancer risk associated with genotypic polymorphism of the genes involved in the estrogen-receptor-signaling pathway: a multigenic study on cancer susceptibility. Journal of Biomedical Science 2006 May;13(3):419-32. (SCI)

40.Wu GH, Chen LS, Chang KJ, Hou MF, Chen SC, Liu TJ, Huang CS, Hsu GC, Yu CC, Jeng LL, Chen ST, Chou YH, Wu CY, Shin-Lan K, Chen TH. Evolution of breast cancer screening in countries with intermediate and increasing incidence of breast cancer. Journal of Medical Screening 2006;13 Suppl 1:S23-7. (SCI)

41.Lo YL, Yu JC, Chen ST, Yang HC, Fann CS, Mau YC, Shen CY. Breast cancer risk associated with genotypic polymorphism of the mitosis-regulating gene Aurora-A/STK15/BTAK. International Journal of Cancer 2005 Jun 10;115(2):276-83. (SCI)

42.Lee TY, Chen YL, Chang HC, Yang LH, Chan CP, Chen ST, Kuo SJ. Anatomic resection for severe blunt liver trauma. International Surgery 2005 Nov-Dec;90(5):266-9. (SCI)

43.Cheng TC, Chen ST, Huang CS, Fu YP, Yu JC, Cheng CW, Wu PE, Shen CY. Breast cancer risk associated with genotype polymorphism of the catechol estrogen-metabolizing genes: a multigenic study on cancer susceptibility. International Journal of Cancer 2005 Jan 20;113(3):345-53. (SCI)

44.Chen WM, Chang RF, Kuo SJ, Chang CS, Moon WK, Chen ST, Chen DR. 3-D ultrasound texture classification using run difference matrix. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 2005 Jun;31(6):763-70. (SCI)

45.Chen ST, Choo KB, Hou MF, Yeh KT, Kuo SJ, Chang JG. Deregulated expression of the PER1, PER2 and PER3 genes in breast cancers. Carcinogenesis 2005 Jul;26(7):1241-6. (SCI)

46.Chen DR, Chang RF, Chen CJ, Ho MF, Kuo SJ, Chen ST, Hung SJ, Moon WK. Classification of breast ultrasound images using fractal feature. Clinical Imaging 2005 Jul-Aug;29(4):235-45. (SCI)

47.Lin SY, Yeh KT, Chen WT, Chen HC, Chen ST, Chiou HY, Chang JG. Promoter CpG methylation of tumor suppressor genes in colorectal cancer and its relationship to clinical features. Oncology Reports 2004 Feb;11(2):341-8. (SCI)

48.Lin SY, Yeh KT, Chen WT, Chen HC, Chen ST, Chang JG. Promoter CpG methylation of caveolin-1 in sporadic colorectal cancer. Anticancer Research 2004 May-Jun;24(3a):1645-50. (SCI)

49.Liao SF, Huang MS, Li SH, Chen IR, Wei TS, Kuo SJ, Chen ST, Hsu JC. Complex decongestive physiotherapy for patients with chronic cancer-associated lymphedema. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2004 May;103(5):344-8. (SCI)

50.Chen ST, Lin SY, Yeh KT, Kuo SJ, Chan WL, Chu YP, Chang JG. Mutational, epigenetic and expressional analyses of caveolin-1 gene in breast cancers. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2004 Oct;14(4):577-82. (SCI)

51.Bau DT, Fu YP, Chen ST, Cheng TC, Yu JC, Wu PE, Shen CY. Breast cancer risk and the DNA double-strand break end-joining capacity of nonhomologous end-joining genes are affected by BRCA1. Cancer Research 2004 Jul 15;64(14):5013-9. (SCI)

52.Lam CW, Kuo SJ, Chang HC, Chen ST, Chen YL, Yang LH, Hsieh CS. Pseudomyxoma peritonei, origin from appendix: report of cases with images. International Surgery 2003 Jul-Sep;88(3):133-6. (SCI)

53.Fu YP, Yu JC, Cheng TC, Lou MA, Hsu GC, Wu CY, Chen ST, Wu HS, Wu PE, Shen CY. Breast cancer risk associated with genotypic polymorphism of the nonhomologous end-joining genes: a multigenic study on cancer susceptibility. Cancer Research 2003 May 15;63(10):2440-6. (SCI)

54.Chen YL, Kuo SJ, Yang LH, Chen ST, Tsai JH, Chang HC. Extrahepatic division of the right hepatic vein in right hepatectomy for blunt liver trauma. International Surgery 2003 Jan-Mar;88(1):15-20. (SCI)

55.Chen ST, Chen RA, Kuo SJ, Chien YC. Mutational screening of breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 from early onset, bi-lateral, and familial breast cancer patients in Taiwan. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2003 Jan;77(2):133-43. (SCI)

56.Chen ST, Chen JC, Hou MF, Yeh KT, Lee TP, Chen CM, Shih MC, Chang JG. Sulfotransferase lAl is a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer in Young Women Mid-Taiwan J Med (中臺灣醫學科學雜誌) 2003;8(2):59-65.

57.Chan CP, Yang LH, Chang HC, Chen YL, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Tsai PC. An easier technique for minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy. International Surgery 2003 Apr-Jun;88(2):109-13. (SCI)

58.Chan CP, Chen YL, Chang HC, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Tsai PC, Chang HM. Repeated Hepatectomies for Follicular Dendritic Cell Tumor of Liver: A Case Report. Changhua Journal of Medicine (彰化醫學) 2003;8(1):55-9.

59.Chan CP, Chang HC, Chen YL, Yang LH, Chen ST, Kuo SJ, Tsai PC. A 10-year experience of unsuspected gallbladder cancer after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. International Surgery 2003 Jul-Sep;88(3):175-9. (SCI)

60.Hsieh CS, Chen YL, Yang LH, Chan SE, Chang HC, Chen ST, Kuo SJ. Transparenchymal retraction maneuver: a simple technique in laparoscopic hepatectomy. International Surgery 2002 Jan-Mar;87(1):45-7. (SCI)

61.Hou MF, Chen ST, Chen JC, Yeh KT, Lee TP, Chen CM, Shih MC, Lin CC, Chang JG. Sulfotransferase 1A2*2 is a risk factor for early-onset breast cancer. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2002 Nov;10(5):609-12. (SCI)

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7.PER1, PER2及PER3在乳癌表現的探討。計劃期間:2005/8/1~2006/7/31。支援機關:行政院國家科學委員會。擔任主持人。




11.β-catenin 促進轉錄因子進入細胞核內關係到乳癌的發展。計劃期間:2006/1/1~2006/12/31。支援機關:財團法人彰化基督教醫院。擔任主持人。



14.Disturbance of circadian gene expressions in breast cancer. 計劃期間:2005/1/1~2005/12/31。支援機關:財團法人彰化基督教醫院。擔任計畫主持人。

15.Correlation between protein expression and epigenetic and mutation changes of Wnt pathway-related genes. 計劃期間:2003/5/1~2004/4/30。支援機關:財團法人彰化基督教醫院。擔任主持人。


18.Mutational Screening of Cancer Susceptibility Gene 1 from Early-Onset, Bi-lateral, and Familial Breat. 計劃期間:2000/8/1~2001/7/31。支援機關:財團法人彰化基督教醫院。擔任主持人。

19.Sulfotransferase 1A1 is a risk factor for young age breast cancer, but not for other cancers. 計劃期間:2000/8/1~2001/7/31。支援機關:財團法人彰化基督教醫院。擔任主持人。

20.The Relationship between Nonrandom X-Chromosome Inactivation and Breast. 計劃期間:2000/8/1~2001/7/31。支援機關:財團法人彰化基督教醫院。擔任主持人。


1. A Randomised three-arm multi-center comparison of 1 year and 2 years of Herceptin versus no Herceptin in women with Her2-positive primary breast cancer who have completed adjuvant Chemotherapy

2. Does adjuvant Zoledronic acid reduce recurrence in patients with high risk localised breast cancer

3. Docetaxel by 1-hour Infusion Followed by 24-Hour Infusion of Cisplatin plus Capecitabine as Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer

4. An Observational, multicenter study of Zometa in bone metastatic breast caner, prostate cancer or multiple myeloma patients under conditions of normal clinical practice

5. Phase III Randomized, Multi Center Study of Sunitinib Malate (SU011248) or Capecitabine in Subjects with Advanced Breast Cancer who failed both a taxane and an anthracycline chemotherapy regimen or failed with a with a taxane and for whom further anthracycline therapy is not indicated

6. A Phase III Open Label, Randomized Two-Parallel-Arm Multicenter Study of E7389 versus Capecitabine in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer Previously Treated with Anthracyclines and Taxanes

7. Randomised phase II study of the combination of oral vinorelbine with capecitabine versus gemcitabine in combination with paclitaxel versus gemcitabine in combination with docetaxel as first line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer

8. An open-label sunitinib Malate (SU011248) continuation protocol for patients who have completed a prior sunitinib study and are judged by the investigator to have the potential to benefit from sunitinib treatment

9. A Randomized, Multicenter, Phase III Study Comparing the Combination of Pazopanib and Lapatinib versus Lapatinib Monotherapy in Patients with ErbB2 over-expressing Inflammatory Breast Cancer

10. A randomised, multicenter open-label phase III study of neoadjuvant lapatinib, trastuzumab and their combination plus paclitaxel in women with HER2/ErbB2 positive primary breast cancer

11. An international multi-centre open-label 2-arm phase III trial of adjuvant bevacizumab in triple negative breast cancer

12. A Randomized, Open-Label, Phase III Study of Taxane Based Chemotherapy with Lapatinib or Trastuzumab as First-Line Therapy for Patients with Her2/Neu Positive
Metastatic Breast Cancer

13. Quality of Life Evaluation of Breast Cancer Patients with Bone Metastasis after Administration of Zometa ( zoledronic acid)

14. An Open-Label, Randomized, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Use of Zoledronic Acid in the Prevention of Cancer Treatment-Related Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women with ER+ and/or PgR+ Breast Cancer Receiving Letrozole as Adjuvant Therapy

15. A Randomized, Open-Label, Multicenter, Phase 3 Study of Epoetin Alfa plus Standard Supportive Care versus Standard Supportive Care in Anemic Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Receiving First-Line Standard Chemotherapy

16. A phase III, randomized, open-label study to compare pharmacokinetics, efficacy and safety of subcutaneous (SC) trastuzumab with intravenous (IV) trastuzumab administered in women with HER2 positive early breast cancer (EBC)

17. A randomized, 3 arm, multicentre, phase III study to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of T-DM1 combined with pertuzumab or T-DM1 combined with pertuzumab-placebo (blinded for pertuzumab), versus the combination of trastuzumab plus taxane, as first line treatment in HER2- positive progressive or recurrent locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (MBC)

18. A Double-blind, Randomized Phase II/III Trial of Active Immunotherapy with Globo H-KLH (OPT-822) in Subjects with Metastatic Breast Cancer.

19. A Phase II Randomized Study of Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin (Lipo-Dox)- Cyclophosphamide versus Epirubicin- Cyclophosphamide as Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Her2-negative Stage I and II Breast Cancer Patients

20. A Randomized Phase III Study of Docetaxel / Epirubicin versus Tailored Regimens as Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage II/III Breast Cancer with Tumor Size More Than 3cm.

21. LUX-Breast 1: An open label, randomised phase III trial of BIBW 2992 and vinorelbine versus trastuzumab and vinorelbine in patients with metastatic HER2-overexpressing breast cancer failing one prior trastuzumab treatment

22. A randomized multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled comparison of chemotherapy plus trastuzumab plus placebo versus chemotherapy plus trastuzumab plus pertuzumab as adjuvant therapy in patients with operable HER2-positive primary breast cancer


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