Overview of Changhua Christian Hospital
1. Established: Changhua Christian Hospital (abbreviated hereafter
as CCH) was established in the year 1896, and grew under the
selfless contributions of overseas missionaries, until the present day
, 109 years later. Currently, CCH has four hospital sectors: the main
hospital sector at Nanguo Road, the Chunghua Road sector, and
branch hospitals at Erlin (“ErJi”) and Lugang (“LuJi”).
2. Aim: to spread the gospel and serve the people, guided by the
spirit of the universal love of Jesus Christ who saved the world.
3. Mission:
Medical care, Evangelism, Service, Education, Research.
4. Vision:
1. Vision for Medical care: establish a
strong, complete, safe system
of healthcare
2. Vision for Evangelism: become a
center for the dissemination and
education of medical care that
encompasses the needs of the whole
3. Vision for Service: deliver patient-
centered service, and show
solicitude for underprivileged social
4. Vision for Education: become the benchmark hospital for training
of staff in medical occupations.
5. Vision for Research: become a center for medical research in
advanced medical technology.
5. CCH Spirit:
Love God, love the earth, love the people, love oneself.
6. Values: selfless contribution, humble service.
The Gospel according to John Chapter 13. v. 14-15.
14. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also
should wash one another’s feet.
15. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. |